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JULY, 1934]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.



The case of " McKenna v. Ledwidge,"

heard in the Dublin Circuit Court, was one

of ejectment for overholding. The premises

were held under a weekly tenancy at the

weekly rent of £1 11s. Od.

On taxation of Plaintiff's Bill of Costs of

ejectment and an application for summary

judgment, the County Registrar disallowed

charges for attending to fib Civil Bill, drawing

affidavit of Plaintiff to groundmotion for sum–

mary judgment, attending to file ; affidavit of

service of Notice to Quit, attending to file

same ;

attending to file Notice of Motion for

Summary Judgment ;

perusing affidavit of

Defendant ; drawing affidavit of Plaintiff in

reply, attending to file ;

attending to file

Notice of Trial ;

perusing notice to produce ;

attending to file costs. Plaintiff applied to

the Court to vary or set aside the dis–

allowances, and that the charges be allowed

Plaintiff as reasonable and proper and in

accordance with Scale of Fees in the Third

Schedule to the Rules of the Circuit Court,

and particularly in Parts III. and X. thereof ;

or, in the alternative, that same be referred

back to the County Registrar for review.

The application came before Judge Davitt

on the 17th May, 1934, when the following

judgment was delivered :

" This came before me by way of appeal

from the taxation of the County Registrar

in taxing a Bill of Costs (Plaintiff's bill) in

ejectment for overholding. The point at

issue really amounts to this :

that the

County Registrar disallowed certain items

in that bill which were charged, not under

the scale actually relating to Ejectments

for Overholding, but from the Miscellaneous

Costs Scale. These items mainly consist of

attendances to file documents and to serve

documents, and the point really at issue is :

as to whether the scales under Schedule III.

of the Rules under various headings like

' Costs of Action,'

' Contract, Costs of


' Tort, and Costs of Ejectment

Proceedings,' are intended to be exhaustive

or not. There is very little to go on in the

interpretation of the Rules in this point,

and I have given my best consideration to

it, and have come to the conclusion that

these Schedules of Costs are intended to be

exhaustive, and in their case resort should

not be had to the Miscellaneous Costs

Schedule for the purpose of increasing


I cannot go further than that.


agree with the County Registrar in the

whole of his taxation."


At the Intermediate Examination held on

2nd June, the following passed the examina–

tion :


1. Matthew Purcell.

2. Desmond L. McAllister.


Patrick Fitzgibbon.

4. Myles P. Gavagan.

5. Liam J. Lysaght.

6. Thomas J. Kirwan.

7. Margaret Carey.


John D. Guinan.

9. Emily M. J. Cosgreave.


Lucas O'Dubhghaill.

11. Edward E. Emerson.

12. George P. Andrews.

13. Richard O'Brien, Jim.


George C. V. Brittain.

John E. G. Byrne.

Daniel J. Carbery.

John B. Farrell.

Shane P. Flynn.

William Fry.

John J. G. Gilmartin.

James R. C. Green.

Joseph G. Groarke.

Leonard Hayden.

James P. Hegarty.

Raymond G. Kenny.

Ernest 0. Knapp.

Joseph S. Martin.

Patrick T. Monahan.

William B. Montgomery..

Patrick J. Mulcahy.

Brian S. Murphy.

James W. A. M. McCabev

Patrick J. Neilan, Jun.

Edward J. O'Brien.

Caoimhghin A. R. O'Cuinn..

Francis A. J. O'Hare.

James Rowlette.

Brian P. G. Taylor.

Patrick J. Walsh.

Esmonde T. White.

Benjamin J. deB. Whyte.

Forty-eight candidates attended :


one passed ; seven failed.

ALL communications connected with THE

GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should

be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin,
