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2. CSR information




CSR information




The content of the CSR chapters of this document reflects

broad consultation with internal and external stakeholders.

In-house, the Sectors, Activities, General Delegations and a

responsible purchasing, financial communications, responsible

number of corporate departments (human resources,

order to enhance the report with examples.

development, EHS, etc.) have been asked to contribute, in

Externally, stakeholders are regularly consulted on general

policy or various specific aspects of Saint-Gobain’s social

Group’s CSR reporting and communications.

responsibility. These consultations assist in developing the

Reference bases


2012 Grenelle II law.

Economic Regulations (NRE) Act of 2001, as well as with the

The reference bases used for social reporting, EHS reporting

with the United Nations’ Global Compact and the French New

and for defining indicators have been prepared in accordance

In order to have a global reference framework, since 2011

indicators. This report was prepared using version G4.

these reference bases follow GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)

Human Resources Department in order to improve doctrine

exchanges information with leading contributors of the

and reporting processes.

responsible for social reporting, regularly collaborates and

The Saint-Gobain Group’s Social Affairs Department, which is

standards, and enhance feedback from the sites. These

the new EHS indicators, to monitor changes in international

For EHS reporting, working groups suggest developments in

committee level twice a year.

proposals are then discussed and validated at management

The data published on Saint-Gobain’s CSR, following the GRI


methodology, comes from three different Group reporting

software for employee reporting and the annual social

the social reporting system, supported by the Enablon



report, which has a partial interface with the Smart’R

management and reporting system, PeopleGroup, for


managerial staff;

known as Gaïa.

the EHS (Environment, Health, Safety) reporting system


Social reporting


a) Basis

Scope of reporting

Social reporting had a total of 1124 reporting entities and

646 consolidated companies at end 2016.

The system used to count the number of employees (SIS),


region, socio-professional category and contract type.

distribution of employees by gender, Sector, geographic

which is updated monthly, includes the fully consolidated

consolidated total number of employees, and the

Group companies. It forms the basis for calculation of the

the Group’s social performance, is based on a limited

The annual social report, created in 2002 to account for


number of employees. All other social indicators are

scope of reporting, representing 98,5% of the consolidated

calculated on this basis.

with their financial integration, and companies sold during the

Newly integrated companies are accounted for in accordance

past year are not included.

b) Reporting tool

three tools: Enablon, PeopleGroup and Smart’R. The data was

The quantitative social data in this report was collected using

consolidated for the Saint-Gobain Group as a whole.

and the annual social reporting campaign. Since

It supports the system for counting the number of employees

January 2016, part of the Enablon employee data (covering

coming from the Smart’R software, which incorporates

83% of the workforce at end December 2016) has been

Smart’R will become the only reporting tool in 2017.

information from the payroll systems. The intention is that

Enablon HR is the Saint-Gobain Group’s social reporting tool.

for managers. It is structured on the basis of the individual

PeopleGroup is the Saint-Gobain Group’s management tool

career management, annual interviewsand manager

personnel file of each Group manager. The processes for

compensation are also part of this system.

the start of each month, based on changes in the scope of

The Group’s organizational data is updated in PeopleGroup at

reporting applied to the social report.

Individual management employee files are updated in two


either manually by the company HR teams;


(covering over 90% of Group employees in 2016).

or by automated reporting from the local HR systems
