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4. Proximity to customers




The Group’s Activities have all strengthened their marketing

teams to organize these kinds of surveys and especially, to

respond to them. They have also created customer

experience manager posts whose role is to adapt the

organizational structure to make it more responsive to

address shortcomings.



Using digital technology to increase


customer loyalty

development of the whole area of communication via the

Internet and social media.

Saint-Gobain’s interactions with its customers in the broadest

sense (direct or indirect, actual or potential) through the

Group’s different Activities number in the millions each year.

This number is increasing by 10% a year as a result of the

This provides a challenge for the Group: in many cases,

“contact” no longer takes the form of a scheduled, physical

meeting, but is made via the Group’s websites or via social

networking, at the customer’s instigation. In 2016 alone, the

number of contact requests via the web was more than

150 million!

commenced in 2016 and are ongoing:

individual contact requests. Two background tasks were

Clearly, in-person meetings with direct customers remain a

crucial form of contact, but there is a need to develop a

digital strategy that allows the Group to capitalize on all the

the Group;

updating the Group’s websites is crucial, to provide visitors


using fixed or mobile devices with a high-quality

experience that they find useful and which encourages

them to extend their visit to the site. In this vein, the UK

site for Celotex and the majority of Weber’s sites have

developed content to drive sharp increases in the number

of visits and in the conversion rate from visit to sales

contact - the very purpose of the majority of sites that are

not online stores. This is the approach adopted throughout








better-designed, simpler websites to extend e-commerce

to all of its brands, in the majority of its countries of


In both cases, data analysis is fundamental in developing the

sites in the direction that visitors wish to see. A central R&D

team focuses specifically on helping the Activities to make

the necessary cultural adjustments.

helps the Sector to develop services, particularly digital

services, which support the customer in their journey. For the

Group’s most important market in terms of net consolidated

sales, residential renovation, a number of digital services have

been developed to streamline the experience for

professionals, but also for private individuals managing their

own construction projects:

This background work improves customer proximity and

sites with photos to inspire private individuals who are


planning renovations;

such as Glassolutions’ LitePoint application and ISOVER’s

F4 configurator;

rapid diagnostics and layout tools for trade customers,


Smartphone applications for professionals, for rapid


ordering from distribution brands, such as the Point.P


less costly than measures for winning new customers.

The ultimate aim of this work is to increase customer loyalty:

firstly, because a loyal customer spends more on average

than an average customer, but above all, because effective

customer loyalty and retention measures (regular interaction,

effective services, etc.) are acknowledged to be considerably

New concepts


This marketing strategy of customer interaction using new

digital and data analysis tools allows the Activities to develop

new concepts, either in market segments identified by means

of this strategy, or by improving customer satisfaction at

various points in the value chain.

renovation project in touch with professionals, with the aim of

improving the level of satisfaction on completion of

renovation works amongst customers who are “project


For example, in July 2016, Saint-Gobain Distribution Bâtiment

France launched the omni-channel platform Homly You, an

intermediation service to put private individuals with a

system) and automatic ordering. The streamlining provided

by this approach (with a single point of contact and stock

management) means a considerable time saving for these

business’ owners.

In the automotive market, the Abrasives Activity offers a

package of services for garages and body shops in the US

under the name of Saint-Gobain Refinishing Solutions Group,

distributing a range of products and consumables in addition

to the products that it manufactures itself. The product line is

supported by automated stock management (via a barcode

Lastly, a “comfort package” was developed in partnership

with Norgehus, Norway’s leading builder of single-family

homes, under the name of MyComfort, by Saint-Gobain.

Norgeshus’ customers buying a house from the catalog have

the option of ordering a MyComfort, by Saint-Gobain

package, as priced in the catalog.

This pull approach, where the end customer is presented

directly with the value proposition from a group that is

focused on user comfort and wellbeing and sustainable

development, leveraging the Saint-Gobain brand, is set to

develop strongly in 2017.

and trade names, makes these new concepts more effective.

The complementary nature of the Group’s Activities, brands