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Reading Matters

Teaching Matters


Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 |




students: “The words ‘gardener’ and ‘tractor’ could be put into

a group, because the gardener may use a tractor to work in her

garden. Now we need to see if we have other words that could

go in this group too.”With the guidance of Miss Brown, students

continued to sort words, glue them down on large paper, and

determine a label to summarize each group. For example, the

group of words containing “gardener” and “tractor,”may be

labeled as “gardening.” Once the small group has finished their

sort, using the words they have predicted, each group must come

up with a word that they believe no other group predicted, an

unique word, and a word that they believe every group predicted,

a common word. One of the small groups decided their unique

word was ‘angel,’ and their common word was ‘orange.’ Miss Brown

wrote these words on a sentence strip for students to share later.

After literacy centers, the class comes together and Miss

Brown leads a discussion on the sorts and special words chosen

by each group. As the sorts are shared, the members of the group

come forward and help Miss Brown discuss their work. Students

choose a word and justify why they chose it. After sharing their

predicted words, Miss Brown reads

The Pumpkin Book

aloud to

the class, confirming

some predictions as the

text is read. Following

the read-aloud, the class

compared and contrasted

their word selections

with the author’s use

of words, writing down

additional vocabulary

words students did not

predict. Groups were

given the opportunity

to draw pictures next

to words on their sorts,

to make identification

easier. These were

then displayed in the classroom as a reference

throughout the thematic unit (See Figure 1).

Listen Sketch Label

Listen Sketch Label (Herrera, Holmes, & Kavimandan, 2011)

is a strategy that taps into the students’ existing schema

and harnesses the use of visualization to make meaning.

Students are asked to use what they already know and make

connections to vocabulary used in the informational text.

Critical to the Listen Sketch Label strategy is the idea that

students enhance their understanding of the text through

repeated exposure to vocabulary words and concepts, and

make sensory connections as they do so. Components of

the Listen Sketch Label strategy are: (a) activation of prior

knowledge; (b) connecting the known and unknown by

interacting with others; and (c) affirmation of what we know.

Listen Sketch Label in the classroom.

Mrs. Oliver, a first grade teacher, used the Listen Sketch Label

strategy with “Penguin Power” an article from the


Geographic Extreme Explorer

magazine during her January

thematic unit on polar animals. Mrs. Oliver read sections of the

article over two days, using the Listen Sketch Label strategy

on a portion of the article entitled “Some Like It Hot.”

Mrs. Oliver gave students the Listen Sketch Label template

that she modified to limit the number of vocabulary terms

and enlarged sections to accommodate the larger writing and

drawings of her young students. The template included three

terms she wanted her students to understand:

glacier, survivor




. Instead of asking students to immediately sketch

their understanding of each word, Mrs. Oliver realized that

many of her students would not have prior experience with

this vocabulary, so she provided the words in context before

she asked them to sketch their understanding of the word. She

permitted students the time to turn-and-talk to a neighbor to

activate any prior knowledge of the term they have. As Mrs. Oliver

read aloud, she read small chunks from the passage twice so

that students could listen and then sketch their interpretation

of the word on their paper. Students were asked to create a

visualization in their head before they sketched it on their paper.

Mrs. Oliver modeled this

strategy for her students

using the first chunk of

information, focusing

on the term ‘beach’ for

understanding: “You can

find African penguins

in an even hotter place.

They live on sunny,

sandy beaches along

the southern tip of

Africa” (Ebersole, 2014,

p. 8). Mrs. Oliver drew

the outline of sand and

shells beside the ocean,

which is indicated

by the waves. As Mrs. Oliver talked, she thought aloud for

students to understand why she is making this connection: “I

went to the beach before with my family, and like the article

says, it was sandy and sunny there. I remember stepping

on seashells and kicking my feet in the ocean. So I should

draw shells and the water, with big waves. The ocean had

big waves that knocked me down.” Mrs. Oliver also labeled

the picture with the words, ‘ocean,’‘sand,’ and ‘seashells.’

As Mrs. Oliver continued to read, she asked students to

listen to how the vocabulary word was used, then to sketch

their understanding of the word as she reread the information.

Students had the option of writing sentences, phrases, or words

that elaborated on their understanding of the vocabulary. Mrs.

Oliver finished reading the section and asked students to sit in a

rectangle along the edge of the carpet. Students were given one

minute to turn, talk with a partner, and share the information

they wrote and sketched on their paper. As a whole group,

the students and Mrs. Oliver came to a consensus about the

meaning of the words. She then reread the entire passage to the

group, emphasizing the three vocabulary words (see Figure 2).

Figure. 1. An example of using the Preview-Predict-Confirm vocabulary strategy in kindergarten.


Flip through the images

of the informational text,


Pumpkin Book

by Gail Gibbons.


Write down on blank cards the words

students predict the author used in the text.


farmer flowers corn

seed weeds pumpkins

apples leaves digging

garden orange green

shovel rakes tractor


garden plants














digging apples


Common Word: pumpkins

Unique Word: rake


Allow groups to share their sorts, their common word, and unique word.

After reading the book discuss whether the predictions were correct or incorrect.