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Irwin Peterson

moved to Kenya.

Beth Cole Pollock

is the

assistant treasurer at Gibson Energy. She served as the

vice-chair of the North American Employee Giving United

Way campaign last year and joined the portfolio advisory

committee of the United Way of Calgary. Beth received

a Young Women in Energy award in November 2016 to

recognize emerging leaders in the energy sector.

Krystal Godri Pollitt

joined the University of

Massachusetts in 2015 for a tenure-track faculty position

as a professor of environmental health sciences. She

teaches in the school of public health and runs a research

laboratory focused on developing wearable sensors for

monitoring environmental pollutant exposure.



happily celebrated the 91st birthday of her

grandmother Mary Susanne (Dickey) Thomas 1942 in

Toronto and got a dog named Georgie.

Frances Anne

Black Strauss

produces theatre in New York, specializing

in developing original physical comedy.

Christine (Terri)


enjoys being a mom in North Toronto to

her daughter and her big golden retriever.

Jackie Chin


has a private practice as a child psychologist

(supervised practice) in Toronto and is awaiting the arrival

of a daughter!

Caitlin Watson

is shifting careers into HR

and completed the CHRP requirements in the summer. We

all had an awesome 15th Reunion celebration and look

forward to the 20th!


Liz Adamson to Pete Washington

Allison Gollob to Stephen Lowney

Natanz Handy to Maxime Bergeron

Yvonne Kai to Vaitari Anderson


Liz Adamson – a son

Carrie Anderson – a daughter

Jessica Bolla – a son

Caroline Chua – a daughter

Laurie Elgar – a son

Krystal Godri Pollitt – a son

Caitlin Watson – a son

CLASS REPS: Caitlin Peddie, Sarah Rea and Candice


Courtney Ashton

practises corporate and securities law

with Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP in Toronto, and welcomed

a second daughter in January.

Kimberly (Kim) Baker


in London and works as a family doctor in Ingersoll.


McDonald Boynton

welcomed her son George Andrew.

Anastasia (Annie) Campbell

is a partner at Graham

Thompson and loves being a mom to her 2-year-old son.

Alishah Damji

is an occupational therapist on an assertive

community treatment team and is the national program

manager for mental health first aid for the Aga Khan Health

Board for Canada. She facilitates mental health first aid

sessions to eliminate the mental health stigma and educate

the public.

Allison Freeman

enjoys her new role as chief

marketing officer at Mama Earth Organics and chasing after

her 1-year-old son Graydon.

Alex Bittner Howard

is now a

certified doula!

Caitlin Harrigan

adopted a dog ‒ Thompson ‒ from

the Toronto Humane Society. He loves to go on outdoor

adventure hikes. She named him after Tommy Thompson,

who led thousands of Torontonians on interesting nature

walks in Toronto parks.

Rebecca Ho

got married and

helped start an advertising agency called No Fixed Address


Samantha Irwin

married Brad Milne in August 2016.

She is planning to finish her pediatric neurology residency



TOTAL AS AT MAY 31, 2017



2001 classmates Beth Cole, Melissa Clifford, Anna Coatsworth and

Jennifer Singer at Celebration Saturday.