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Landlord and Tenant Bill (England) (



December, 1953).

Liability to Repair (West and Sommerfield)



November-December, 1953).

Licenses to Live in Houses (Sheridan)


November-December, 1953).

New National Conditions o f Sale (Walford)



November-December, 1953).

III. Costs and Practice o f Solicitors

High Costs o f Transcript and o f Advertisements

(I.L .T .,

12th December, 1953).

Withdrawal o f Money Lodged with Defence—

“ O’Rafferty


Freeney ” (Davitt, P.)

(I.L .T .,

19th December, 1953).

IV. Criminal Law and Practice

Capital Punishment Report

(The Solicitor,


and December, 1953, January, 1954).

Clerk Retiring with Justices

(S .J.,

5th December,





Conspiracy to effect Public Mischief

(L .T .,


October, 1953).

District Court Criminal Appeals to Circuit Court

(I.L .T .,

14th and 21st November, 1953).

Doctrine o f Provocation (Edwards)

(L.Q .R .,

October, 1953).

Juries and the Death Sentence


26th December,

1 9 5 3 ) -

McNaghten Rules in Matrimonial Cases—“ Swan



(L .T .,

20th November, 1953).

Road Traffic Act—Notice o f intended prosecution—

“ Pope


Clarke ”

(I.L .T .,

24th October, 1953).

Road Traffic Act—Verbal notice o f intended

prosecution—successful defence (J.L .T ., 5th

December, 1953).

Unfit to Plead

(L .T .,

19th and 16th October, 1953).

V . Miscellaneous

Bequeathing bodies for dissection


9th January,


) -

Cruelty to Animals


12th December, 1953).

Death Duties—Incidence on Foreign Estates


17th and 24th October, 195 3).

Delegated Legislation (L .T ., n th December, 1953).

Dispositions—Gifts or Sales ?

(S .J.,

12th December,

19 5 3 ) -

Estate Duty—“ Re Merton ”


24th October,

19 5 3 ) -

Government Circulars

(The Solicitor,

January, 1954).

Jurisdiction o f Arbitrators—“ Broon



beichischer ”

(L .T .,

8th January, 1954).

Law Reform (limitation o f actions) Bill, 1953


5th December, 1953).

Law Reports—Study o f

(I.L .T .,

24th and 31st

October, 1953).

Lawyers’ Contribution to Society (Birkett)


Society Gazette,

November, 1953).

Law Society’s Conference, Scarborough

(Law Society


November, 1953).

Law o f Stamp Duties (Monroe)

(The Conveyancer,

September and November, 1953).


Peerage Law and House o f Lords Reform

(L .T .,

1st January, 1954).

Revision of Statute Law

(L .T .,

20th November,

1953 and 24th December, 1953).

Trusts for the Upkeep o f Tombs

(S .J.


12th Decem­

ber, 1953).

VI. Property and Equity

Advancement Between Husband and Wife—•

“ Anson


Anson ”

(S .J.

, 9th January, 1954).

Common Good Trusts

(S .J.,

1 2th December, 1953).

Charitable Donations and Bequests—Revised In­

sertion o f Advertisements

(I.L .T .,

19th Decem­

ber, 1953).

Charitable Trusts (Validation) Bill


12th and

26th December, 1953).

Friendly Societies’ Trustees—“ Pilkington Bros.

Ltd., Workmen’s Pension Fund ”

(S .J.,


October, 1953).

Marriage Settlement—Children take realty as tenants

in common in equal shares—“ Moore


Fenton ”

(Dixon, J.)

(I.L .T .,

26th December, 1933).

Nathan Report: Some Critical Reflections

(L .T .,

30th October, 1933).

Professional Societies as Charities

(S .J.,

12 th

December, 1933).

Surplus Charitable Funds— Re North Devon

Relief Fund ”


28th November, 1953).

Unregistered Companies and Companies Acts

(L .T .,

27th November, 1953).



The Council think it advisable to draw the

attention o f the profession to frauds, in which

solicitors have been inadvertently implicated, which

have been perpetrated on the British Commissioners

o f Inland Revenue. In areas with large migratory

populations there have been several cases o f the

falsification o f Church baptismal certificates for the

purpose o f claims for income tax relief by Irish

citizens working in England. Genuine baptismal

certificates were obtained, the particulars thereon

were bleached out by some chemical process, false

particulars were superimposed, and the certificates,

as altered, were submitted to the Commissioners of

Inland Revenue in London. In one case the false

particulars were typed in by a macnine which was

proved to have belonged to a solicitor and was at

the material time in use m his office,-as weR as By.