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third parties. In other cases the false particulars

were written in manuscript by some person un­

known. The Council were satisfied that the solicitor

whose typewriter was used for the falsification of

the baptismal certificates was in fact unaware that

this had been done.

Two cases have been brought to the notice o f the

Society in which solicitors at the request o f clients

signed letters certifying the existence o f children and

other dependants o f Irish citizens resident in Lon­

don. In both these cases the solicitors in issuing the

letters relied upon information given to them by the

clients and in both cases the information was false.

The Council think it necessary to point out that it is

the duty ot a solicitor issuing a letter or certificate

verifying the existence o f certain facts to satisfy

himself by personal inquiry that the facts are as

certified. The Revenue Commissioners and the

British Commissioners o f Inland Revenue cus­

tomarily accept certificates from Irish solicitors and

if, as the result o f adverse experience, solicitors’

certificates were no longer accepted the interests of

the public and the profession alike would suffer.

In the cases mentioned above proceedings before

the Statutory Committee were instituted by the

Society on its own initiative against each of the

solicitors concerned. The Statutory Committee

found in each case that the solicitor had no know­

ledge that the baptismal certificates nad been

fabricated but that he had committed professional

misconduct in having issued letters representing a

state o f facts recklessly and without inquiry or

corroboration on the basis o f untrue statements

made to him by other persons for the purpose of

enabling those persons to gain a pecuniary advan­

tage. In the opinion o f the Council a clear duty

rests upon a solicitor to satisfy himself o f the truth

of a statement o f fact made by a client before lending

it the support o f his professional standing and


7. Insurance Act, 1953

8. National Stud Act, 1953

9. Central Fund Act, 1953

10. Local



(Amendment) Act, 1933

11 . Grass Meal (Production) Act, 1953

12. Local Government Act, 1953

13. Department o f Lands (Establish­

ment o f Foresters) Act, 1933

14. Restrictive Trade Practices Act,


15. Local Elections Act, 1953

16. Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1953

17. Great Northern Railway Act, 1933

18. Land Act, 1933

19. Turf Development Act, 1933

20. Imposition of Duties (Confirma­

tion o f Orders) Act, 1953

21. Finance Act, 1933

22. Central Fund (No. 2) Act, 1933

23. Army Pensions Act, 1933

24. Comptroller and Auditor General

(Amendment) Act, 1933

23. Workmen’s Compensation (Amend­

ment) Act, 1933

26. Health Act, 1933

27. Telegraph Act, 1933

28. Friendly Societies (Amendment)

Act, 1953

29. Appropriation Act, 1953

30. Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1953

31. Supplies and Services (Temporary

Provisions) Act, 1946 (Continu­

ance) Act, 1953

32. Courts o f Justice Act, 1933

33. Imposition o f Duties (Confirma­

tion o f Orders) (No. 2) Act, 1933

34. Rent Restrictions (Continuance and

Amendment) Act, 1953

33. Mental Treatment Act, 1933

36. Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief)

Act, 1933

37. Vocational Education (Amend­

ment) Act, 1933

24th March, 1933

25th March, 1933

31st March, 1933

31st March, 1933

31st March, 1953

1st April, 1933

5th May, 1933

7th May, 1933

18th June, 1953

23rd June, 1933

23rd June, 1953

7th July, 1933

7th July, 1933

21 St July, 1933

28th July 1933

31st July, 1933

3th August, 1933

1 2th August, 1933

12th August, 1933

29th October, 1953

24th November, 1953

24th November, 1933

2nd December, 1933

2ndDecember, 1933

2nd December, 1933

8th December, 1953

8th December, 1933

8th December, 1933

18th December, 1953

23rd December, 1933

23rd December, 1933


18 9 1 AND 1942 .


1953 .


Signed by President

1. Defence Forces (Temporary Pro­

visions) Act, 1953

2. Trade Loans Guarantee (Amend­

ment) Act, 1933

3. Local Loans Fund (Amendment)

Act, 1933

4. Connaught Rangers (Pensions) Act,


3. Military Service Pensions (Amend­

ment) Act, 1933

6. Housing (Gaeltacht) (Amendment)

Act, 1933

3rd March, 1933

3rd March, 1933

4th March, 1933

18th March, 1933

1 8th March, 1933

1 8th March, 1953

Issue o f Duplicate Land Certificates



have been received from the registered

owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed hereto,

for the issue o f Certificates o f Title in substitution

for the original Certificates issued in respect o f the

lands specified in the said Schedule, which original

Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or inad­

vertently destroyed.

A duplicate Certificate will be issued in each case,

except a case in respect o f which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate o f

Title is still in existence, and in the clistody o f some

person other than the registered owner. Any such