hers, added to the brigt talent and experiencle of Cons–
tante, have converted this glorious comer o Havana
into a refuge of Art and Poetry.
Because the modern "cocktail" is the poetry or
lt is like the slender perfume of a rose. lt is the
essence of a delicious vibration. The fine
cryst:ilof the
cocktail glass enables you to enjoy all the good that
exists, leaving the hardships of daily life forgotten. The
seenery is of unsurpassed beauty. Pain is unnoticeable.
love is sweeter and more tender.
The "cocktail" is
!. . .
lmportant magazi–
nes in the United States and England wrote - at the
beginning of the Dry Era - that, fortunately for the
present and future generations, the art of the cocktail
would remain, as did ancient culture in Europe during
the invasión of the barbarians, safely revered in its most
sacred temples, viz; The American Bar in Paris, facing
the Grand Opera
the rear of the Cafe de la Paixl,
and the Bar Restaurant la Florida in Havana, Cuba.
Today, - as a Century ago - and situated over the
same old stones of "The Silver Pine", the Cathedral of
the Cocktail where Constante officiates stands amids the
streets of traditions for the delight of good drinkers and
continucs to be the gathering place of men and women
who can distinguish the good wines and drink in extasy
the essence of a cocktail - sweet symbol of a high and
elaboratc civilization.
"The Silver Pinc", "la Florida" café - 1819-1935
- through the ages. always the Sorne ...
"Cock talls", Refreshments, Ices, Smiles, Fllrtations,
Happiness. Business, fEforts, love. Over tho same old
stones. Facing the same scenary. Eternal, under the
me w•rm blue sky.