J U N E , 2 0 1 7
Install Trees, Shrubs, Sod, Mulch & Decorative Stone
Richard Eible - Owner
Business: 732-926-8843
203 Sergeantsville Road
Cell: 732-245-0022
Flemington, NJ 08822
Fax: 908-751-5888
ralandscapingdesign@comcast.netServing All of
New Jersey
Landscaping & Design, LLC
Snow Plowing & Salting
• Schedule an annual termite inspec-
tion. Have a licensed pest con-
trol professional check for moisture
problems and signs of termite activ-
ity. If your property sustained any
damage during the winter months
or took on water, you could be at
an increased risk for termites.
Pest control is all about being proac-
tive and investing time and resources
into prevention. Effective pest control
planning avoids infestations and, just
as important, minimizes their severity if
they do occur. Inspections should be
performed on regularly, along with pre-
ventative treatments, Also, know what
pests will likely rear their ugly heads at
particular times of the year. Finally, the
benefits of working with a pest control
professional experienced in community
properties to implement an Integrated
Pest Management (IPM) Program are
multifold. A properly implemented IPM
will help avoid costly property damage,
keep your residents happy, maintain
the reputation of your community, and
best of all, give the property manage-
ment team the appreciation that it so
Write for
Community Trends
CAI-NJ and the Editorial Committee
are always looking for new articles
to publish in
Community Trends.
If you are interested in submitting
an article for possible inclusion in
Community Trends
please contact
Jaclyn Olszewski at 609-588-0030
jaclyn@cainj.org.View the guidelines for submitting an
article at: