J U N E , 2 0 1 7
An Independent Member of the BDO Alliance USA
We’ve been serving
community associations
for over
30 years. In that time, we have helped over 1,000
boards put the
nancial pieces together
Visit our online Knowledge Center for Educational
Resources for Boards and Property Managers.
www.wgcpas.com/news/association-resourcesor scan
Mohammed Salyani, CPA
msalyani@wgcpas.com info@wgcpas.com www.wgcpas.com1200Tices Lane
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Tel: 732.846.3000
555 Fifth Avenue, 17th Floor
NewYork, NY 10017
Tel: 212.856.7201
2032WashingtonValley Road
Martinsville, NJ 08836
Tel: 732.469.4202
ing more complicated and expensive
issues to navigate through. Local per-
mit reviewers can complicate the issue
tremendously by taking an adversarial
position early on in the process.
Time is the most valuable resource
available to be able to work these
issues out. These issues are becom-
ing more common on even the
smallest repaving projects. The days
of a property manager filling out a
one page form in the Town Building
Department for a permit are gone.
Hiring experienced design profes-
sionals and starting the process
early enough makes the chances of
a resolution favorable to the commu-
nity much more likely.
from page 22.