Younger Members
Committee Seminar
A Living from The Law
The Younger Members Committee recently organised
a Seminar entitled A
Living From Law
which took place in
Dublin on Saturday, 11th May last. The object of the day
was to provide informed advice of a practical nature by
members of the profession for fellow members on matters
such as Setting up in Practice, Buying an Old Firm,
Partnership, Finding Your First Job, etc. The Committee
were highly gratified by the attendance despite the fine
weather and were particularly pleased to note that the
numbers were divided equally between Apprentices and
Practitioners. The day raised in excess of £600 for the
Solicitors Benevolent Fund. The Committee wishes to
extend thanks to the following who spoke and so kindly
gave up their Saturday in order to assist; Patricia Harney,
John Schutte, Ken Murphy, Patrick Kelly, Peggy Behan,
Joanne Sheehan, Justin McKenna, Ivor Fitzpatrick,
Brendan Schutte.
Dublin Tutorial Centre
19 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2
D a y or e v e n i ng classes f or the preliminary law
e x am i n a t i on a nd final e x am i n a t i o n, Part I.
Fully qualified tutors.
Lor further information and appointments ring:
Apprentices Athletics Club
We would like to announce the setting-up of the above
club and to welcome as many members as possible to our
ranks. The general aim is to have fun getting fit, with the
more specific objective for those so inclined, being to
compete in the Intervarsity Athletic Association's Cross-
country and Track and Field Championships.
A certain amount of work and quite a number of
procedures have had to be gone through to have this club
accepted as a member of the Association. We now expect
final ratification next March, allowing us to compete in
the Inter-Varsity Track and Field Championships next
May, in Trinity College. Those Championships, far from
being confined to running, also include jumping and
throwing events.
To satisfy the Rules of the Association, only full-time
students are eligible to compete. Everybody who is
currently under Indentures is therefore so eligible for the
full duration of the Indentures. We do, however, very
much welcome qualified solicitors to join, even though
they will not be entitled to compete in the Championships
Needless to say, the club is intended for both sexes and
not to be a male bastion. We will be meeting every
Thursday, at 6.30 p.m., in the Gym in Blackhall Place for
some manner of training. Some manner it will be,
especially initially, as there will obviously be different
levels of fitness and people will train at their own level.
The founders participate actively at club level and have
also competed at Inter-Varsity level for a number of
years, so a certain amount of experience in this area is
claimed. We have just completed the Law Society's 13th
Professional Course.
All enquiries concerning the club are welcome and
should be made to either of us, at Blackhall Place. We
look forward to your support and participation.
Gerry Dunne
Gerry McGrath
(continued f r om p.233)
logics for Europe), O.J. C 105/2. 26 April 1985: the BR1TE
programme (Basic Technological Research and the Application of
New Technologies). O.J. L 83/8, 25 March 1985.
9. Rcgualtion 418/85,
n. 7.
10. Decision of 23 November 1984, O.J. L 35/1. 7 February 1985.
11. Decision of 23 July 1984. O.J. L 212/13. 8 August 1984.
12. Decision of 6 August 1984. O.J. L 220/27. 17 August 1984.
13. Case 155/79, [1982] E.C.R. 1575.
14. See Faull,
Legal Professional Privilege (AM & S): the Commission
proposes Internationa! Negotiations,
(1985) 10 European Law Review
119; Kreis,
The AM & S Judgment of the European Court of Justice and
its consequences within and outside the Community.
(1984) Swiss
Review of International Antitrust Law 3.
15. Decision of 19 December 1984, O.J. L 85/1. 26 March 1985.
16. Decision of 19 December 1984. O.J. L 85/1, 26 March 1985. •