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^ wine glass of French vermouth;
I wine glass of Scotch whiskey;
Stir up well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail
glass; putting a medium-size olive into it, squeeze a
piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
(Use a large bar glass.)
f glass full of fine-shaved ice;
2 or 3 dashes of bitters (Boker^s genuine only):
2 or 3 dashes of absinthe;
2 or 3 dashes of vermouth;
i wine glass of sherry;
Stir up well with a spoon, strain into a medium-
size wine glass and serve.
(Use a large bar glass.)
Fill glass I full of fine-shaved ice;
2 or 3 dashes of orange bitters;
2 or 3 dashes of anisette;
wine glass of French vermouth;
I wine glass of Plymouth gin;
Stir up well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail
glass, putting in a cherry, squeeze a piece of lemon
peel on top and serv£.
(Use a large bar glass.)
f glass full of fine-shaved ice;
1 or 2 dashes of orange bitters;
1 or 2 dashes of absinthe;
wine glass of French vermouth;
I wine glass of maraschino;