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Chemical Technology • November 2015


The Green Talents Award, held under the

patronage of the German Research Minister

Prof Dr Johanna Wanka, is providing a plat-

form for the seventh time to young talents

to share their views on green concepts and

to make our world a better place. Their prize

is one of the treasured tickets to the ‘Green

Talents - International Forum for High Poten-

tials in Sustainable Development’.

The 27 ‘Green Talents’ were honoured

during a festive awards ceremony on 30

October, attended by representatives of

participating institutions, jury members and

other distinguished guests.

South African PhD graduate Dr Kapil

Moothi, whose field of interest encompass-

es Sustainable Technology and Nanotech-

nology Waste Water Treatment, and PhD

candidate Ms Geraldine Brennan, whose

area of expertise encompasses Clean

Production and Management, Humanities

and Climate Change, were both selected

by a high-ranking jury of experts as up-and-

coming international scientists.

This year’s ‘Green Talents’ can expect

two weeks of interaction with leading ex-

perts and world-renowned research institu-

tions and companies, including

Fraunhofer FOKUS, KWB - Berlin Centre of Competence for Water


Ecologic Institute,



ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

. Getting con-

nected to the science community and

exchanging ideas with its key innovators

allows the winners to lay the foundation

for future cooperation. Such efforts are

supported by the invitation to return to

Germany for a fully funded research stay

(up to three months) at an institution of

their choice in 2016.

With the results of his PhD, Kapil Moothi

has contributed to the development of

innovative technologies for economically

viable nanotechnology applications in South

Africa. He is currently developing new prod-

ucts to improve sustainable water treatment

in South Africa.

A major challenge in South Africa, that

Kapil is aware of, is the one of dealing with

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). This problem

can be found in many South African mines.

The need to purify such polluted acid mine

wastewater in an environmentally sustain-

able manner is a pressing one for the

country. In addition, the protection of public

health and the conservation of water re-

sources are of paramount importance. The

novel step provided by his research would

be the introduction of a new nanotechnol-

ogy to help tackle the issue of AMD. Kapil

also aims to educate the public about the

positive benefits nanotechnology could have

on their lives.

Based on the research outcomes, a

new product is currently being developed

for pilot-scale testing. It is a module that

enables the cleaning of wastewater us-

ing a CNT-infused polymer composite

membrane as the filtration medium. The

planned application would serve to mitigate

environmental challenges; especially for the

petrochemical, metallurgical and pharma-

ceutical industries, where large quantities

of oil-containing wastewater are produced.

While, to many, business and ecology

may not go hand-in-hand, for Geraldine

Brennan, PhD Student in Strategic Man-

agement and Sustainable Development

(Ireland/South Africa), the relationship can

be mutually beneficial. She researches the

various ways in which business can learn

from natural models and, subsequently,

become more sustainable.

Studying at the Imperial College, Lon-

don, UK, Geraldine’s research focus is

understanding the implications of power

dynamics for sustainable value creation in

inter-organisational relationships: a busi-

ness ecosystem case study.

Geraldine’s novel PhD bridges various

management theories and sustainability

science in order to interrogate and draw

attention to the link between power dy-

namics and sustainable value creation.

She believes that, by raising businesses,

awareness of how power-dynamics are un-

dermining their sustainable value creation,

these companies will be better enabled to

contribute to a positive role in creating a

sustainable society.

For more information

contact Project Man-

agement Agency c/o German Aerospace

Center (DLR)

European and International Cooperation


Phone: +49 (0)

228 3821 1906

African winners of 2015 Green Talents Award join Germany’s sustainability elite

removing the oxidised surface layer including

all contamination contained with the surface

microstructure. The second zone forms a

reaction layer with the aluminium, providing

galvanic protection, a layer for powder-paint

to adhere to, and bare corrosion protection

of the aluminium while in transition after

the pre-treatment step to the final powder-

coating process.

The powder coating system installed at

Blue Willow Aluminium is the most efficient

and fastest colour change system available

on the market, being Nordson’s most ad-

vanced system available globally. Offering

absolute and consistent process controls, the

system incorporates the ColorMax Booth, the

Encore HD Application equipment, powder

feed pumps and the Spectrum HD powder

feed centre.

For any media queries,

please contact

Kirsty Hatt on 0826787697

or email

The green pre-treatment facility.

Geraldine Brennan and Kapil Moothi