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Bond Referendum –

An election in which

registered voters vote on whether the Town will

be allowed to issue debt in the form of interest-

bearing bonds.

Budget –

A financial plan containing estimated

expenditures and resources covering a fiscal year.

Budget Adjustment Transfer –

the transfer

of funds between line accounts within a function

or across functional areas in accordance with

policy. Authority is granted by Town Council to

Budget Officer/Designee.

Budget Amendment –

A revision of the

adopted budget that, when approved by the Town

Council, replaces the original provision. Budget

amendments occur throughout the fiscal year as

spending priorities shift.

Budget Calendar –

The schedule of key dates

which the Town follows in the preparation and

adoption of the budget.

Budget Document –

The official written

statement prepared by the Town’s staff and

presented to the Town Council containing the

proposed financial plan for the fiscal year.

Budget Message –

A written summary of the

proposed budget to the Town Council which

discusses major budget issues and


Budget Ordinance –

The official enactment by

the Council establishing the legal authority for

staff to obligate and expend funds.


Comprehensive Annual Financial

Report. The official annual report of a


Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) –

A plan of

proposed capital outlay to be incurred each year

over a fixed number of years to meet capital


Capital Outlay –

Outlays which result in the

acquisition (either new or replacement) or

additions to fixed assets having a significant value

($5,000 or more) and possessing a useful life of

more than one year.

Capital Project –

Major construction,

acquisition, or renovation activities which add

value to physical assets or significantly increase

their useful life.

Capital Project Fund –

A fund used to account

for financial resources accumulated for the

acquisition or construction of major capital


Capital Reserve Fund -

A type of account on a

municipality's balance sheet that is reserved for

long-term capital investment projects or any

other large and anticipated expense(s) that

will be incurred in the future. This type of reserve

fund is set aside to ensure that the company or

municipality has adequat

e funding

to at least

partially finance the project.

Chart of Accounts –

A chart that assigns a

unique number to each type of transaction and to

each budgetary unit in the organization.


A Cost-of-Living Adjustment is an

increase in salaries to offset the adverse effect of

inflation on compensation.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) –

A statistical

description of price levels provided by the U.S.

Department of Labor. The index is used as a

measure of the increase in the cost of living

(economic inflation).

Contingency Account

– Account in which

funds are set aside for emergency and exceptional

expenditures that may become necessary during

the year and which have not otherwise been

provided for in the context of the annual

operating budget.

Debt Service –

Payment of interest and

repayment of principal on Town debt.