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Deficit –

The amount by which expenditures

exceed revenues during an accounting period.

Department –

An organizational unit within

the Town which is functionally unique in its

delivery of services or activities.

Depreciation –

Expiration in the service life of

fixed assets, other than wasting assets,

attributable to wear and tear, deterioration,

action of the physical elements, inadequacy and

obsolescence. The portion of the cost of a fixed

asset, other than a wasting asset, charged as an

expense during a particular period. In accounting

for depreciation, the cost of a fixed asset, less any

salvage value, is prorated over the estimated

service life of such an asset, and each period is

charged with a portion of the cost. Through this

process, the entire cost of the asset is ultimately

charged off as an expense.

Designated Fund Balance –

Monies over the

years that remain unspent after all budgeted

expenditures have been made, but which are

reserved for specific purposes and are unavailable

for appropriation.

Effectiveness Measure –

A performance

measure identifying quality or extent to which an

organization is obtaining its objectives (i.e.

Percentage of year waste/leaf collection points

serviced on time)

Efficiency Measure

– A performance measure

identifying inputs used per unit of output, or unit

of cost (i.e. Cost per ton of yard waste/leaves


Encumbrance –

The commitment of

appropriated funds to purchase an item or


Enterprise Fund –

A fund that accounts for

operations that are financed and operated in a

manner similar to private business enterprises.

Operations are financed from charges to users for

services provided.

Expenditure –

The cost of goods or services

whether payment has been made or not.

Fees –

A general term used for any charge levied

by the Town associated with providing a service

or permitting an activity.

Fiduciary Fund

– A special classification fund

used to account for assets held by the Town in a

trustee capacity on behalf of outside parties,

including other governments.

Fiscal Year (FY) –

A twelve-month period

which determines the time frame for financial

reporting, budgeting, and accounting.

Fixed Assets –

Long-lived tangible assets

obtained or controlled as a result of past

transactions, events or circumstances.

Fund –

A fiscal entity with revenues and

expenses that are segregated for the purpose of

accounting for an activity(s) with common


Fund Balance –

The excess of the assets of a

fund over its liabilities.


Generally accepted accounting

principles. A uniform minimum standard used

by state and local governments for financial

recording and reporting; established by the

accounting profession through the Governmental

Accounting Standards Board.

General Fund –

A fund that accounts for most

of the basic government services such as public

safety, streets and highways, sanitation, parks

and recreation, and general government services.

General Obligation Bonds –

Bonds issued by

a government entity which are backed by its full

faith, credit and unlimited taxing authority.


– a statement of Council direction, purpose

or intent based on the needs of the community. A

goal is general and timeless; that is, it is not

concerned with a specific achievement in a given

time period.