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June 2015


AIM-quoted Armadale Capital has signed

a Heads of Terms agreement with the

Africa Mining Contracting Services group

(A-MCS) with a view to funding, devel-

oping, constructing and operating the

Mpokoto gold project in the DRC’s Katanga


The agreement envisages that A-MCS

will introduce investors to provide at least

US$20 million of loan financing with a

view to funding Mpokoto into production,

which is targeted for H1 2016.

Paul Smith steps down as

COO of Wesizwe Platinum

Wesizwe Platinum Limited has announced

the departure of Paul A. Smith, the compa-

ny’s Chief Operating Officer, who is leaving

with immediate effect to pursue other per-

sonal interests.

Smith joinedWesizwe in January 2013 and

served the company up to 9 June 2015. He

was a member of Wesizwe’s Executive Team,

supporting the CEO in the ongoing develop-

ment of the company’s flagship Bakubung

Platinum Mine (BPM) project, located on the

Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex, close

to Rustenburg in NorthWest Province.

“This is a landmark agreement for our

strategy of bringing Mpokoto into produc-

tion within the next 12 months,”says Justin

Lewis, Director of Armadale.“The provision

of at least US$20 million project finance is

a crucial step in the project’s development

and, with extensive local experience, we

are delighted to have signed with A-MCS.

We will now work closely with our new

partners to finalise the DFS and the defini-

tive agreements to deliver a low cost, low

capex mine capable of generating excel-

lent returns for shareholders. With this

funding and development agreement,

an initial NPV of US$55,3 million (£36,3

million) based on a forecast gold price

of US$1 250/oz, and a further potential

resource upgrade, Mpokoto continues to

show its commercial value.”

The key components of the capital

cost identified in the scoping study were

US$8,25 million for the processing plant,

US$3,75 million for associated infrastruc-

ture and US$8,5 million for infrastructure.

The final amount of funding will be subject

to the results of the DFS.

A-MCS has agreed to work with

Armadale and its principal consultant,

Bara Consulting, to complete the DFS on

the project. This will ensure that Armadale

benefits fromA-MCS’s in-country expertise

Armadale signs agreement on Mpokoto development

and that the costs, both capital and opera-

tional, are agreed between all parties and

reflect the final terms agreed between the

parties to construct and operate the mine

through the mining services contract.

This process will also form a crucial part

of the due diligence being undertaken by

A-MCS and the investors that it intends to


Mpokoto has a current total mineral

resource of 678 000 oz Au from 14,58 Mt

at 1,45 g/t Au at a cut-off grade of 0,5 g/t.

It is envisaged that the mine will produce

approximately 25 000 oz per annum over

a nine-year life of mine. The results of an

Expanded Scoping Study demonstrated

a post-tax NPV of US$55,3 million based

upon a discount rate of 8 % and a gold

price of US$1 250/oz.

The project comprises four mining

licences which are valid for an initial term

of 30 years from 30 September 2014.

Significant further upside is anticipated

with an exploration target of 2,4 to 3,0 Mt

grading 1,25-1,5 g/t Au which Armadale

estimates should yield an additional

120 000-150 000 oz Au to the project. A

proposed drilling programme is already

planned targeting primary mineralisation

and down dip mineralisation beyond the

present pit limits.

Reverse circulation drilling in progress at the Mpokoto site (photo: Armadale Capital).