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The Minister may by order amend or revoke an

order under this section.

Section 7 requires any person who carries on, or

is employed in connection with, the business of

letting goods, whether under hire-purchase agree

ments or otherwise, or selling goods by credit-sale

agreements whenever so required by the Minister,

to furnish to the Minister any books, documents,

records, particulars, or information in that person's

power or control which the Minister may require for

enabling him to exercise his functions under this

Part of this Act.

Sections 8 and 9, dealing with authorised officers,

state that the Minister may appoint such and so many

of his officers as he thinks fit to be authorised officers.

An authorised officer may, for the purpose of

obtaining any information which the Minister may

require for enabling him to exercise his functions

under this Part of this Act, at all reasonable times

enter premises at which the business of letting goods,

whether under hire-purchase agreements or other

wise, or selling goods by credit-sale agreements is

carried on and subject to the production of his

warrant of appointment, do any one or more of the

following things :—


inspect the business,



the person who carries on such

business and any person employed in connec

tion therewith to produce to him any books,

documents or records relating to such business

which are in that person's power or control

and to give him such information as he may

reasonably require in regard to any entries

in such books.


inspect any copy or take extracts from such

books, documents or records,


require such person to give to him any

information he may reasonably require in



the persons carrying on such

business (including, in particular, in the case

of an unincorporated body of persons,

information in regard to

the membership

thereof and of its committee of management

or other controlling authority) or employed

in connection therewith, and in regard to the


No one shall be required to answer any question

or to give any evidence


to criminate


Any person who obstructs or impedes an author

ised officer in the exercise of his powers under this

section or does not comply with any requirement

shall be guilty of an offence.

Under section 10

no authorised officer shall

disclose information available to him by virtue of

the powers of obtaining information conferred on

him by this Part of this Act; save


a communication made by him in the execution

of his duties under this Part of this Act,


the disclosure of information for the purpose

of legal proceedings under this Part of this Act.

By section 11 a person who contravenes (whether

by act or omission) any provision of an order

under this Part of this Act for the time being in

force shall be guilty of an offence ;

this also applies

to every person who aids, abets, or assists another

person, or conspires with another person, to commit

an offence ;

section 12 provides that authorised

officials of companies and unincorporated bodies

may be liable to penalties.

By section 13 every person who commits an

offence under this Part of this Act shall on summary

conviction thereof be liable to a fine not exceeding

one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the

court, to imprisonment for six months or to both

such fine and imprisonment.

By section 14 proceedings in relation to an offence

under this Part of this Act may be brought and

prosecuted by

the Minister


Industry and



summary proceedings



offence under this Part of this Act may be instituted

within twelve months from the date of the offence.

Section 15 makes further provisions relating to

postponed orders for specific delivery of goods to

and to consequent execution orders when varied.

By section 16 notwithstanding section


of the

1946 Act, a provision in an agreement made hence

forth whereby an owner of a motor vehicle which

has been let under a hire-purchase agreement or a

person acting on his behalf is


authorised to enter' premises (other than a

house used as a dwelling or any building

within the curtilage thereof) for the purpose

of taking possession of the motor vehicle, or


relieved from liability for any such entry shall

be valid.

In this section " motor vehicle" means any

mechanically propelled vehicle constructed for use

on roads for the carriage of persons or goods and

includes a tractor.

Section 17 states that, where,


goods are let under a hire-purchase agreement,


the owner recover possession thereof or an

order is made by the court under paragraph


of subsection (4) of section 13 of the

Principal Act for the specific delivery thereof

to the owner,

then, the liability of a guarantor under a contract of

guarantee in relation to the agreement shall not

exceed the amount, if any, which the hirer would

have been liable to pay under section 5 of the 1946

Act if he had determined the agreement under that

section at the time of the recovery or the making of

the order, as the case may be, and shall then cease.