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By leave of the meeting Mr. Carrigan proposed

and Mr. Walker seconded an amendment to the

motion that all necessary consequential amendments

to other bye-laws to bring them into conformity

with the main motion, if passed, should be made

including the following :


28. By the substitution of " previous

general meetings " for " May General Meeting ".

Bye-Law zyA.

By the deletion of the words

" (in either October or November) " in line 2 and

" (in the month of November) " in line 4.


37. By the substitution of the words

" last ordinary general meeting " for " November

general meeting" with the consequential alteration

of the headings of the ballot papers in Schedules

C and D.

The motion as so amended was put to the meeting

and^carried unanimously.

The 23rd November, 1960 was appointed as the

date of the next annual general meeting.

At general business :

Mr. Eunan McCarron

proposed and Mr. John R. Halpin seconded the

following motion :

This general meeting being satisfied that it is

in the common interest of the general public and

the solicitors' profession that the practice of a

solicitor acting for both vendor and purchaser in

certain conveyancing transactions is dangerous and

undesirable and should be curtailed or prohibited.

Resolve that the Council of the Incorporated

Law Society of Ireland be and is hereby requested

to consider the matter and if satisfied that it is

desirable and practicable to curtail or prohibit

such practice to introduce a rule to implement

such decision.

The following members spoke :

Messrs. J. B.

MacGarry, Arthur Cox, J. W. O'Donovan, C. J.

Daly, T. V. O'Connor, Hugh O'Donnell.

The motion was not put to the meeting but the

President stated that it would be considered by the

appropriate committee of the Council and that the

Council would make a report to the ordinary general

meeting in May, 1961.

10. On the motion of Mr. Cox, Mr. Walker,

Vice-President took the chair. Mr. Cox then

proposed and Mr. Halpin seconded a vote of thanks

to the President for his distinguished services to the

profession during his period of office. Mr. Walker

associated himself with the motion which was put

to the meeting and carried with acclaimation.

The President replied and the proceedings then



November 24th. The President in the chair, also

present Messrs. Arthur Cox, George A. Nolan,

Terence de Vere White, Thomas V. O'Connor,

Patrick Noonan, Desmond J. Collins, Dinnen B.

Gilmore, James J. O'Connor, Thomas A. O'Reilly,

James R. Green, Robert McD. Taylor, John

Carrigan, James W. O'Donovan, John R. Halpin,

Ralph J. Walker, Peter E. O'Connell, Brendan T.

Walsh, John Maher, Eunan McCarron, William A.

Tormey, John Kelly, Augustus Cullen, Brendan

McGrath, George G. Overend, John J. Shell,

Peter D. M. Prentice.

The following was among the business transacted :

Committees of the Council

The committees for the year 1960-61 were

appointed and are printed in this issue of the


Vacancies on the Council

The Council unanimously passed a vote of

appreciation and thanks to Messrs. Dermot P. Shaw,

and Charles J. Downing who did not seek re-election

for their services to the profession during their

period of office on the Council. Mr. Shaw was

elected to the Council in November, 1946 and served

as President for the year 1955-56.

Mr. Downing was elected in November, 1952 and

served as Vice-President for the year 1956-57.

Pension annuity scheme

The Council adopted a report from a committee

approving of the pension annuity scheme submitted

by Irish Pensions Trust. A brochure with particulars

of the scheme will be circulated by the Society to

members in the new year.


The President of the High Court has appointed

the following members of the Society to be the

Disciplinary Committee for the year 1960-61 :

John Carrigan, Desmond J. Collins, Niall S. Gaffney,

John R. Halpin, Eunan McCarron, Peter E.

O'Connell, George G. Overend, Peter D. M.

Prentice, Robert McD. Taylor, Dermot P. Shaw.


Registrar's Committee

Thomas A. O'Reilly, chairman, William J.

Comerford, Dinnen B. Gilmore, James R. Green,

Charles W. Hyland, John Kelly, John Maher,

Desmond J. Moran, Brendan A. McGrath, George

A. Nolan, Patrick Noonan, James J. O'Connor,

John J. Shell, Terence de Vere White.