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Branch), may appoint one or more persons having

special knowledge of valuation to be "property

arbitrators" for the purpose of these Acts ;


arbitrators will hold office and be remunerated as

determined by the Reference Committee ; previous

holders shall be deemed to be appointed under the

Act (Section 2). Detailed provisions in relation to

referees under the Act of 1910, and of arbitrators

under the Act of 1919 and under the Act of 1945 are

set forth in Sections 3, 4 and 5.

Section 6 makes

provision in relation to arbitrations and appeals

pending before the passing of the Act.


At the Annual General Meeting of the above

Association held at the Courthouse, Ennis, on the

8th December, 1960, the following Officers were



Patrick P. O'Shea, Kilrush ;


Michael J. Walshe, Ennis ;


Secretary and Treasurer,

Michael J. McMahon, Kilrush;


Patrick J. Chambers, Ennistymon, Daniel

O. Healy, Scariff, Thomas A. Lynch, Thomas F.

O'Reilly and James B. Mac Clancy of Ennis.


Mr. Bernard Shillman, S.C., has recently written a

volume entitled

Trade Unionism and Trade Disputes in


(Dublin Press, 20 Merrion Square, Dublin,

15 /6d.). This is a book first and foremost written for

the layman, particularly officials of trade unions.

Irish lawyers are already indebted to Mr. Shillman's

industry for books on licensing law, the law of

workmen's compensation and factory law;

in this

book the author has deliberately aimed at a larger

audience, and has concentrated on presenting the

principal cases dealing with Irish trade union law in

a manner easily understood by the man in the street;

all the cases have been explained simply, but there is

a footnote reference to the Law Reports for those

who wish to delve into the matter more deeply. The

learned author has even included Mr. Justice Budd's

judgment in " The Educational Co. of Ireland


Fitzpatrick" (1960)

in which an appeal to the

Supreme Court is pending. The author has also

included many

leading English cases, such as

Bonsor's case (1956), but lawyers might not agree

with his interpretation. Despite its very high price,

the book consists of only 63 pages of text; Mr.

Shillman would have been better advised to adopt a

larger print giving approximately twice the number

of pages.

Mr. Peter Allsop, Assistant Editor of

Current 'Law,

has recently produced the fifth edition of his in

valuable guide called

The "Legal Profession

(Sweet &

Maxwell, 1960, 10^6). Although written for English

practitioners, most of the advice given also applies

to the Irish legal profession. The first part consists

in giving advice to the budding novice who wishes

to become a barrister or a solicitor as to the courses

to be pursued, and as to the prospects when qualified;

there is also a useful chapter on University Law

Degrees, which, as the author points out, "develops

flexibility of mind and helps a student to grasp the

technique of legal reasoning". The chapter "Reading

and the choice of books" gives invaluable hints as

to how to use textbooks, etc., and as to the technique

of reading law. A critical appraisal is then given of

the best general law books and periodicals most

suited to students and this is followed by chapters

dealing with individual branches of law (Contracts,

Torts, Equity, Property, Practice, Probate, Death

Duties, etc.) in which reference is made to the best

books on every subject. The book concludes with

suggested courses of reading for the Bar Final, the

Law Society's Examinations and the London LL.B.

Mr. Allsop has performed an invaluable task in

guiding the footsteps of the law student, who will

only have himself to blame if he does not follow the

advice given.




Name of Act

Signed by President

1. Finance (Excise Duties) (Vehicles)

Amendment Act 1960

9 March 1960.

2. Army Pensions Act 1960

9 March 1960.

3. Military Service Pensions (Amend

ment) Act 1960

9 March 1960.

4. Connaught Rangers (Pensions) Act


9 Alarch 1960.

5. Pensions (Amendment) Act 1960

9 March 1960.

6. Mac Swiney (Pension) (Increase)

Act 1960

9 March 1960.

7. Petroleum and Other Minerals

Development Act 1960

10 March 1960.

8. Central Fund Act 1960

30 March 1960.

9. Health Authorities Act 1960

12 April 1960.

10. Broadcasting Authority Act 1960

12 April 1960.

11. Imposition of Duties (Confirmation

of Orders) Act 1960

12 April 1960.

12. Oireachtas (Allowances to Mem


and Ministerial


Parliamentary Offices (Amend

ment) Act 1960

12 April 1960.

13. Housing (Amendment) Act 1960

24 May 1960.

14. Elections Act 1960

24 May 1960.

15. Hire Purchase (Amendment) Act


8 June 1960.

University College Dublin Act


8 June 1960.

Dogs (Protection ofLivestock) Act


16 June 1960.

Intoxicating Liquor Act 1960

4 July 1960.

Finance Act 1960

19 July 1960.

Restrictive Trade Practices (Car

pets) (Confirmation of Order)

Act 1960

19 July 1960.