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Dangerous drilling and careless driving—causing death by

— HONOURS GRADUATE U.C.D., well grounded in Solicitors

distinctionfrom culpable homicide.


^^"ufL36?3 P^'11^8^? or similar arrangement in the City

In Dunn


H. M. Advocate (1961 S.L.T. 106) the

High Court of Justiciary held that the burden of

proof on the Crown in a charge under s. (i) of the

Road Traffic Act, 1960, is not so exacting as that in

a charge of culpable homicide against a motorist

where the prosecutor has to establish gross, wicked

or criminal negligence amounting to or analogous

to a criminal indifference to the consequences of

dangerous driving.

L,ibel and Slander


reputation prior to



In Dingle


Associated Newspapers (February 8,

1961) the trial judge awarded the Town Clerk of

Manchester £1,100 damages for libel ((1960 i C.L.

169). On appeal by the Town Clerk against that



Court of Appeal (Sellers, Pearce and



) held, allowing the appeal and increasing

the award to £4,000, that the trial judge had failed in

the assessment of damages to take into account that

part of the innuendo which alleged that the plaintiff

had committed a criminal offence, that he had

concluded that the period of damage was much less

than it was, and that he had assessed damages on the

basis that the Town Clerk had a bad reputation

prior to the publication complained of.

(D.C.) See


The Times,

February 9, 1961.

Trees—roots spreading—apprehended danger.

In Lemos


Kennedy Leigh Developments

(February 13, 1961) plaintiffs, fearing danger to their

property from roots of poplar trees growing on

adjoining land, issued a writ

quia timetia.

July 1959.

Expert evidence showed that possible damage might

be looked for by 1962. The Court of



Evershed M.R., Upjohn and Pearson L.JJ.) held,

dismissing an appeal from Lloyd-Jacob J. ((1960)

10 C.L. 195), that the test of such an action depended

on the imminence of the apprehended danger, and

that, on the evidence, there was no such imminence

(D.C.) See also

The Times,

February 14, 1961.


Register B

SOLICITOR -extensive experience in Dublin and abroad seeks

position in Dublin office, preferably with view to partnership.

Box No. B.26o.


established practice Dublin City

with or without benefit of existing lease. Box No. 8.261.

SOLICITOR, considerable experience of general practice in

Dublin, seeks position in City office. Box No. 8.262.

of Dublin. Box No. 3.263.


1891 AND 1942

Issue of New Land Certificate

Applications have been




registered owners mentioned


the Schedule

annexed hereto, for the issue of certificates of Title

in substitution for the original certificates issued in

respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule,

which original certificates, it is alleged, have been lost

or inadvertently destroyed.

A new certificate will be issued in each case, except

a case in respect of which notification is received in

this Registry within 28 days from the publication of

this notice, that the certificate of title is still in exist

ence, and in the custody of some person other than

the registered owner. Any such notification should

state the grounds on which such certificate is being


Dated the 26th day of April, 1961.


Registrar of Titles.

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



1. Registered Owner James Feely. Folio number

5534. County Roscommon. Lands of Macmoyne,

in the Barony of Boyle containing oa. or. 2ip.

2. Registered Owner Walter Walsh. Folio number

2052. County Waterford. Lands of Moyng in the

Barony of Decies within Drum containing j6a. ir.


3. Registered Owner Gregory Lancaster. Folio

number 2357. County Carlow. Lands of Kildavin

in the Barony of St. Mullins upper, containing

913. 3r. 25 p.

4. Registered Owner Mary Garry. Folio number

4338. County Kildare.

ija. 3r. 25p., 2a. ir. jp.,

and 2oa. or. 2op. of the lands of Grangeclare West,

Ballyteige North and Ballyteige North (one un

divided 41 st part) respectively, all situated in the

Barony of Connell and County of Kildare.

5. Registered Owner Emma White. Folio number

1627. County Dublin. Lands of Redcowfarm in the

Barony of Uppercross containing 2a. or. i6p.

Printed by Cahill and Co., Lid , Parkgale Printing Works, Dublin