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Separation Deed

Proceedings which were instituted on behalf of a

wife in the District Court for maintenance were com

promised by a cash payment and an agreement to

separate. Questions arose as to


whether the

solicitors for the husband or wife should prepare the

separation deed (which contains a covenant for pay

ment of the cash sum by instalments) and



incidence of the costs. The Council adopted a report

from a committee stating that the deed should be

drawn by the solicitor for the wife and that the

husband should pay the costs.

Court Fees on Lodgement of Money in Court

On a report from a committee it was decided to

make representations to the Department of Justice

that the fees order should be amended to provide

that the fee payable under item (4) part 4 of the First

Schedule to the Supreme Court and High Court

Fees Order 1956 should be payable by means of an

adhesive stamp instead of an impressed stamp.


THE First Law and Final Examinations will com

mence on Tuesday, May I9th. Notice should be

given on or before April zyth. The Preliminary

Examination will commence on Wednesday, May

zoth. Notice should be given on or before April 2 8th.

The book-keeping examination will be held on

Friday, May 2znd. Notice should be given on or

before May ist.


IN CONNECTION with the statement published in the

last issue of the Society's Gazette we have been re

quested to remind members that remittances for pay

ment of duties should not be sent to the Estate Duty

Office. Death duties are payable to the Accountant

General (Revenue), Dublin Castle. Remittances sent

to the Estate Duty Office will be returned and there

will be unnecessary delay and possibly further interest




THE 95TH Annual General Meeting of the Associa

tion was held on Friday, 3oth January, 1959, at the

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin.


Chairman, Mr. Dineen B. Gilmore, in the course of

his address referred to the resignations ofMr. O'Brien

(Chairman), and Mr. Mayne (Deputy-Chairman)

towards the end of 1958 and paid tribute to their

very notable records of over fifty years as members

of the Association. Mr. O'Brien had been Chairman

for upwards of 20 years and Mr. Mayne Vice-Chair

man for over 15 years.

He announced the appointments of Mr. David R.

Pigot, Senior, as Deputy-Chairman, and Mr. Don-

ough O'Donovan (Chief State Solicitor) as Honorary


There had been a very welcome increase in Annual

and Life subscriptions, and a donation of


from the estate of a deceased testator. Owing to this

increased income it had been found possible to aug

ment grants to a maximum in most cases of £50.

During the year a sum slightly over £2,400—the

largest amount in the history of the Association had

been paid out in grants. Whilst some 160 new annual

and life members joined the Association during the

year, it was disappointing to find that there are still

almost 900 solicitors in all Ireland who are not

members. An extensive personal canvass of these by

all existing members would, he felt sure, make a

very appreciable reduction in that number.


Chairman appealed to the Members of the Associa

tion to obtain support for the "Benevolent" and said

that he would gladly visit some of the local Bar

Associations to plead the cause.

The Chairman in conclusion asked members to

bring to the notice of the Association cases of distress

or hardship of persons who through feelings of

family pride or ignorance of the Association's work

did not apply for assistance. In doing so members

would help the Association in carrying out—even in

a small way—the Divine Commandment "Love your




A MEETING of the Council was held on Wednesday,

4th March, 1959.

Satisfaction was expressed at the change in the

procedure of the Metropolitan District Court in pro

ceedings under the Enforcement of Court Orders

Acts. The attention of members was also directed

to the desirability of making written enquiries only

about the execution of Committal Warrants. If cast

in the form of a Query Sheet, it is understood that

they will be returned with replies.

The Revenue Commissioners have arranged as a

trial to provide a stock of stamped Civil Process and

Civil Bill Forms at Ormond Quay Post Office while

the Four Courts Stamp Office is closed during the

Christmas vacation of 1959.

The following simplified procedure has been ar

ranged by the Director of Savings for the accounts

of deceased depositors with the Post Office Savings