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Volume 18, Number 1 2016


disagree responses receive a score of 5 and strongly agree

responses receive a score of 1. The DIP was completed

once prior to, and again post-treatment. The DIP total

score was calculated from the sum of the scores from each


Speech treatment

The participants were treated by certified clinicians using

the LSVT


LOUD program of 16 one-hour sessions, four

days a week, for four weeks (Trail et al., 2005). Homework

and carry-over tasks were tailored to facilitate each

participants’motivation, engagement and to continue to

drive the neuroplasticity changes activated by the treatment

(Fox et al., 2012).

Data analysis

Data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics

Version 22. Comparison of treatment outcomes (dB level in

monologue and DIP total score) between the three groups

using a linear mixed model indicated that there was no

significant differences between the groups with respect to

group-time interaction on these measures (Monologue: F =

0.234; p = .791; DIP total score: F = 0.089; p = .915). This

finding allowed for the pooling of all group data for

subsequent data analyses.

Paired t-tests were completed on the pooled data (n =

49), and were used to establish any change to dB level in

monologue, from baseline to the completion of treatment.

A paired t-test was also used to compare the mean of the

DIP total score, pre- and post-treatment.

To examine the relationship between mean expectancy

and average credibility with the differences in dB level in

monologue and the DIP total scores from pre- to post-

intervention, nonparametric Spearman rank correlations

were performed. Secondary analyses were conducted

using Spearman rank correlation to examine the relationship

between credibility and expectancy with the participant

variables age, time post onset of PD, severity of dysarthria

and stage of PD. For this analysis, it was necessary to

include two participants with a severe dysarthria in the

moderate group as the analysis could not be completed on

a group of two. Significance for correlation coefficients was

set at p < .05. The following criteria were used to interpret

the magnitude of correlation coefficients: coefficients of

.25 were considered low, coefficients of .26 to .50 were

considered fair, coefficients of .51 to .75 were considered

good, and coefficients of >.75 were considered excellent

(Portney &Watkins, 2000).

treatment itself. The current study will report on the results

of patient expectations and treatment credibility data, with

reference to the primary clinical outcome measure

(difference in dB level in monologue), and one quality-of-life

measure (Dysarthria Impact Profile [DIP] total score


In order to determine patient expectations of the

intervention and treatment credibility, an expectation

and credibility questionnaire was administered prior to

treatment. The participants completed this questionnaire

independently after having read the participant information

sheet, which outlined the intervention but also indicated

that they may not directly benefit from the intervention.

The questionnaire was adapted from the Credibility and

Expectations Questionnaire (CEQ; Devilly & Borkovek,

2000) and comprised of two sets of questions. Adaptation

to the questionnaire involved the substitution of the

phrase ‘trauma symptoms’ with ‘speech difficulties’ in

two questions. Questions 1–3 from set I and question 1

from set II assessed the perception of treatment credibility

on a 9-point scale, with 0 representing not at all/logical/

useful/confident, and 9 representing very much/logical/

useful/confident. The mean treatment credibility score for

the group was derived from the average score of these

four questions. Question 4 from set I and question 2 from

set II related to patients’ expectations of the treatment.

These questions were rated on a 0–100% scale. The mean

expectation score for the group was derived from the

average score of these two questions.

The primary outcome measure of the effectiveness of

the speech treatment was determined by having each

participant talk about a familiar topic for a minute and a half.

This monologue was recorded and the average dB level

of the participant’s speech was measured using calibrated

software. This outcome measure is a standard measure of

vocal volume in numerous studies relating to LSVT®LOUD

(Howell, Tripoliti, & Pring, 2009; Ramig et al., 1995). This

assessment was administered twice prior to and after

treatment, with a 2-day interval between assessments.

The DIP explores the psychosocial impact of acquired

dysarthria from the speaker’s perspective. The DIP consists

of four sections with a total of 48 statements (Walshe,

Peach, & Miller, 2009). The person with dysarthria rates

each statement on a 5-point scale from strongly agree to

strongly disagree. There are positively worded statements

where strongly agree responses receive a score of 5

and strongly disagree responses receive a score of 1.

Negatively worded statements are the reverse. Strongly

Table 1. Descriptive characteristics for participants who received the LSVT



Group according tomode

of delivery of LSVT




Mean age

(years) (SD)


of PD (years) (SD)



Mean stage of PD


Face-to-facemetro(n=15) Male = 10

Female = 5

71.23 (9.43)

3.91 (2.94)

Mild = 12

Moderate = 2

Severe = 1

2 (.95)

Telerehabilitation Metro

(n = 14)

Male = 10

Female = 4

71.76 (8.05)

4.36 (3.88)

Mild = 11

Moderate = 2

Severe = 1

1.57 (.39)

Telerehabilitation Rural

(n =20)

Male = 14

Female = 6

69.19 (8.82)

4.7 (3.03)

Mild = 15

Moderate = 5

Severe = 0

2.2 (1.11)

Note. SD = Standard deviation