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Volume 19, Number 3 2017


and interact, and perform sometimes physically and

cognitively challenging skills. They need to:

autonomously create their message;

recognise the symbols that represent it;

use working memory to hold the message;

initiate the interaction; use motor movements to indicate

that they have something to say;

filter extraneous auditory and visual stimuli;

wait and attend while the options are presented;

anticipate when the option they want is coming up;

attend to visual and/or verbal stimuli;

determine the item/s they need; and

perform a motor movement to signal when the item they

want is presented (Burkhart and Porter, 2006).

When PAS is used, the communication partner

is involved in co-constructing the message. The

communication partner needs knowledge and skills

to perform at least two roles during communicative

interactions: operating the scan; and participating in the

exchange in an interactive way (Burkhart & Porter, 2006).

When communication partners operate a scan, there are

several things they need to remember:

When the scan is auditory, the communication partner

needs to differentiate between their “scanning” voice

and their social interaction voice. The scanning voice

needs to be monotone and rhythmical, so that the

partner doesn’t lead the communicator, or provide

extraneous auditory information that needs processing

(Burkhart, 2016; Porter, 2012).

During PAS, items should be presented as a list rather

than a series of questions. This reduces the extra

language that may be difficult for the individual with

CPCSN to process and allows them to problem-solve

and initiate rather than become prompt dependent

(Burkhart, 2016).

The list of choices may be presented several times to

allow the individual with CPCSN to learn and anticipate

the item they want and organise their body to respond.

Each list needs to offer a “way out” or an option

for indicating “none of these”, “something else” or

“finished”. Individuals with CPCSN may not respond to

a list of options, either because they do not understand

the task, or because they may not want to select any of

the items offered (Burkhart, 2016).

The items for selection must be presented

systematically, in the same order each time, to allow

the individual with CPCSN to develop familiarity and

Reichle, 2008; Horn & Jones, 1996; White, Carney &

Reichle, 2010).

Scanning as a selection method requires the selection

set to be presented systematically. The communicator

waits until the desired item has been presented, and then

signals in some way to select it. Items are often selected

by activating a switch, particularly when the selection set

is presented electronically (e.g., speech generating device)

(Beukelman & Mirenda, 2013). Scanning can also occur

without technology using PAS. The focus for this paper

is on PAS, a non-electronic method for selecting and

interacting with AAC.

During PAS, the communication partner presents or

highlights items for the communicator to respond to, and

watches and/or listens for signals from the communicator.

PAS may be used with or without a physical AAC system.

In any environment, words or objects may be scanned to

support choice making and promote active participation

for the person with CPCSN (Burkhart, 2016). These words

or objects are presented to the individual as a list and the

individual waits until the item they want is presented, and

then they respond with a “yes” signal to select it. The items

may be offered visually (i.e., shown to the individual with no

auditory input), or as auditory cues (e.g., reading through

the alphabet), or the scanner may use auditory plus visual

cues (i.e., symbols are spoken aloud as they are pointed

to), depending on the skills and needs of the individual with

CPCSN. Visual symbols or objects are more concrete and

less transient than auditory symbols, and during PAS, a

communication partner may highlight, or show these for

longer if necessary. During auditory scanning, the order that

the items are presented is the arrangement or layout of the

AAC system (Porter, 2012).

Individuals who utilise PAS may use vocalisation, body

movement including eye gaze, facial expression, or change

in affect to signal acceptance or rejection of a presented

symbol. Some individuals may use a recognisable gesture,

such as a head nod or shake, to respond yes/accept or no/

reject to the scanned items. In other instances, movements

may be idiosyncratic and subtle (e.g., blinking, raising an

eyebrow or arm). The team supporting the individual with

CPCSN must look for at least one discrete and reliable

motor movement, which can be used immediately or

shaped over time, to signal acceptance during a scan

(Burkhart, 2016).

The communication of a message using PAS requires

skill on both sides of the communication dyad. The

individual with CPCSN needs to be motivated to engage

J is a 6-year-old boy who loves listening to Justin Bieber,

reading or listening to books, and playing with his dog

and his sister. He loves swimming and hanging out with

his friends and going to school and being outside.

J has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, GMFCS level

5, and a severe vision impairment. He does not sit, stand,

walk, talk, eat, drink, dress, or do anything without

assistance. But J has a small amount of intentional control

over his right arm and uses it to communicate. J uses

PAS and a 20 cell per page PODD (Pragmatic Organised

Dynamic Display) communication book (Porter, 2012) to

tell his mother about school, to ask his friends to come

and play and to comment on his favourite singer.

When J has something to say, his communication

partner holds his PODD book in front of him and reads

through it, following PODD operational conventions,

column by column, then item by item, pointing at the

symbols they are speaking. J signals “yes” to the symbol

he wants by extending and raising his right arm. He tells

his communication partner to move to the next column

or item by holding his right arm down to indicate “no”. He

navigates through his book in this way until he indicates

that he has completed his message.

J accesses a robust vocabulary to express a variety of

communication functions. His communication partners

don’t know what he wants to say when he starts saying

it, but they work together to create his message. It is

autonomous communication, although it does not

happen independently and requires a competent

communication partner to co-construct the message.