ascertained.
Here
it
is
not
necessary
to
describe
the
^ell-
known
graduated
bubble.
Another
improvement
made
on
this
is
to
cause
the
liquid
operated
upon
in
the
pro-
cess
of
distillation
to
flow
gradually
over
the
heated
sur-
face
of
the
boiler
while
it
continues
to
give
out
its
spi-
rituous
evaporation.
The
quantity
of
liquid
allowed
to
be
acted
upon,
or
to
pass
through
the
still
in
a
given
time,
and
also
its
velocity,
is
regulated
by
the
circuitous
route
in
which
it
proceeds
;
and
by
that
means
the
com-
plete
operation
of
the
fire
upon
the
whole
fluid
is
insured,
without
impeding
or
clogging
the
spirituous
evaporation
by
aqueous
or
empyreumatic
vapours.
By
this
construction
of
a
still,
a
continued
and
unin-
terrupted
distillation,
boiling,
or
evaporation
is
carried
on
as
long
as
the
supply
of
liquid
is
furnished
and
the
fire
kept
up.
Fig.
6.
In
fig.
is
a
view,
in
profile,
of
the
section
of
a
still
or
boiler
made
on
the
improved
principle,
of
copper
or
any
other
suitable
material;
and
fig.
7,
on
the
following
page,
is
a
plan
of
the
same.