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**If no to both decision maker and decision date


It is suggested that the manager determine what the decision making process will take place. This way, the manager

is in a better position to effectively follow through on the business.


Manager may want to uncover how and when a decision will be made. He/she can then determine how and when to

follow up with the caller on the business to ensure the sale.


Before ending the call, we recommend that the manager take a moment to discuss the decision making process.

She/he then has the necessary information to follow through in an effective manner to successfully book the



Uncovering the decision date and the decision maker is an important step in the sales process. Manager will then

know that he/she is following up with the correct individual at the proper time.

**Uncovering buy factors, what is most important when choosing a hotel


It is beneficial to take a moment and uncover what the caller’s buy factors are. This very important information can

then be used when presenting the hotel so the manager is tailoring the features and benefits to what is of most

interest to the caller. This makes the presentation far more effective.


We recommend that the manager determine what is important to the caller when choosing a hotel. This way the

manager can be sure to address these issues, when presenting the hotel’s features and benefits. By doing so, the

manager's presentation will be more targeted and impactful.


If the manager takes time to ask what is important to the caller and what their buy factors are, he/she can then use

this information when going on to the presentation portion of the selling process. This provides the manager with

insight that can help make the presentation far more effective.


We suggest that the manager discover what the caller’s hot buttons are and what is important to her/him when

selecting a hotel. Armed with this information, the manager can then tailor a presentation to address these issues by

choosing the appropriate features and benefits to use when selling.

**Asking if Caller was familiar with them


By determining the caller’s level of familiarity with the hotel, the manager can then better determine what approach to

take when presenting the hotel, thus making it more effective.


It is helpful to ask the caller if he/she is familiar with the hotel. Then the manager can determine how extensive of a

presentation is needed.


We suggest the manager uncover if the caller is familiar with the hotel. This knowledge will help the manager when

presenting as he will better know what type of presentation to provide.


Before presenting the hotel, we suggest the manager ask if the caller has been there before. Based on how the caller

responds, the manager will know whether to offer a review, updates or a complete presentation.