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igitalisation and electromo-

bility have been dubbed meg-

atrends of the future as orig-

inal equipment manufacturers

(OEMs) continue to explore

ground-breaking technologies that have the

potential to transform the industry by unlock-

ing new ways of managing variability, enhanc-

ing productivity on sites and taking people out

of harm’s way.

With that in mind, Volvo Construction

Equipment (Volvo CE), under the Volvo Group’s

Volvo Concept Lab, has showcased a range

of futuristic concepts and innovations driv-

ing digitalisation and electromobility. The

futuristic innovations are spectacular visions

of autonomous and electrical machines of

tomorrow and illustrate the fascinating pos-

sibilities of how OEMs can create machines

that are safer, cleaner and more efficient, in

every sense of the words.

At its Xploration Forum, recently held in

Eskilstuna, Sweden, Volvo CE demonstrated

to a group of global customers and interna-

tional media the strides it has made in elec-

tomobility, intelligent machines and total

site solutions over the past 10 years. The

innovations on display comprised the LX1,

a prototype wheel loader said to have the

potential to improve fuel efficiency by up to

50%; a prototype autonomous wheel loader

and articulated hauler working together; as

well as an electric site solution that show-

cased the new concept HX1, an autonomous,

battery-electric and cab-less load carrier.

“In line with the Volvo Group’s vision to be

the most desired and successful transport

provider in the world, Volvo CE is committed

to contributing to sustainable development,”

says Martin Weissburg, president of Volvo

CE. “We are developing technologies linked

to electromobility, intelligent machines and

total site solutions that will benefit our cus-

tomers and the environment by contributing

to increased machine performance, produc-

tivity, efficiency, safety and sustainability.”

Weissburg says Volvo CE has set itself

four key technology challenges dubbed

Triple Zero and 10x: zero emissions, zero

accidents, zero unplanned stops and 10x

higher efficiency. He believes that the

company’s clear focus on elecromobility,

intelligent machines and total site solutions

will help it achieve these seemingly

ambitious goals and pave the way for a

sustainable construction industry.

Intelligent machines

For its strides in intelligent machines, Volvo

CE has unveiled a prototype autonomous

wheel loader and articulated wheel loader

working together. The two are standard

Volvo products – an L120 wheel loader and

an A25F articulated hauler – which Jenny

Elfsberg, director of emerging technologies

at Volvo CE, says have been upgraded with

autonomous technology.





programmed to work and carry out a specific

set of load and haul actions on a pre-defined

route. “The machines can perform the same

task over and over again, along a fixed route, for

a relatively long period of time,” says Elfsberg.

Elfsburg says autonomous machines

will definitely increase safety in hazardous

working environments and eliminate the

possibility of accidents caused by human

error. According to industry statistics, 94% of

accidents on sites are caused by the operator.

Volvo CE’s new innovations are said to be 10x

safer, according to the OEM’s research. “They

will perform repetitive tasks more efficiently

and precisely than a human operator and,

because machines will be operated in the

most efficient way, customers will benefit

from improved performance, productivity, fuel

efficiency and productivity,” says Elfsburg.

She also reasons that in future, there may

be potential to have one operator for three

or four machines, increasing productivity and

further decreasing costs.

For example, in an hour comparison, it was

found that the autonomous wheel loader


With a range of futuristic concepts ranging from electromobility

to intelligent machines and total site solutions, Volvo

Construction Equipment has demonstrated the future may not be

so far away after all, writes

Munesu Shoko.

Volvo CE has showcased a range of futuristic concepts and

innovations driving digitalisation and electromobility.