g a z e t t e
j u l y / a u g u s t 1986
Land Registry —
Lost Land Certs Notices
An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the
Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original
Land Certificate as stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new
Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within
twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original
Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the
registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the
Certificate is being held.
Dated 28th day of August, 1986
J. B. Fitzgerald (Registrar of Titles)
(Central Office, Land Registry, (Clárlann na Tallin), Chancery Street, Dublin 7.
REGISTERED OWNKR: Kenmarc Invcsimcnts l id., of C.ortainullin,
Kenmarc. Co. Kerry; Folio No.:
l ands: Cioriamullin: Area:
6a.lr.2p.; County: KERRY.
RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: James Blake of "Tinode House", Blcssington,
Co. Wieklow; Folio No.: 5554; Lands: (I) Tinode, (2) Tinodc; Area:
(I) 296a.Ir.36p.; (2) 6a. Ir. IOp.; County:
RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: Patrick O'Brien of Carrowkcalc, Dundrum,
Co. Tipperary; Folio No.: 3501; Lands: Carrowkeale; Area: 34a.2r.2p.:
RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: Patrick Brennan Kelliher of Banna South,
Ardfert, Co. Kerry; Folio No.: 3413; Lands: Banna South; Area:
41a.Ir.l3p.; County: KKRRY.
RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: Brendan Conlon, Central Garage, Rathangan,
Co. Kildare; Folio No.: (I) 4393, (2) 4845; Lands: (I) Mylerstown, (2)
Mylerstown; Area: (I
)6a.2r.l3p.; (2)6a
County: KILDARK.
RKGISTKRKI) OWNKR: William Hand of C.ravclstown, Carlanstown,
Kells, Co. Meath; Folio No.: 18385; Lands: (I) Gravelstown, (2) Gravels-
town, (3) Gravelslown; Area: (I) 23a.3r.10p.. (2) la.0r.30p., (3)
la.Or.Op.; County: MKATH.
RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: Garrett Sayers of Greenville. Listowel, Co.
Kerry; Folio No.: 3470; Lands: Curraghloosane; Area: 2a.2r.22p.;
County: KKRRY.
RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: Michael D. Murphy of Port, Abbeyfeale, Co.
Limerick; Folio No.: 1866; Lands: Port (part); Area: 20a.2r.28p.;
County: LIMKRICk.
REGISTERED OWNER: Armstrong Machinery Limited. FatrGreen,
Drogheda, Co. Louth; Folio No.: 1157; Lands: Mell (part); Area:
5a.lr.2lp.; County: LOUTH.
10. REGISTERED OWNER: William Molloy of Cloncarbon. Birr, Co.
Offaly; Folio No.: 3341; Lands: Cloncarbon; Area: 38a.3r.38p; County:
11. REGISTERED OWNER: Patrick Dennehy of Dcnnehys Cross, Cork,
Folio No.: 22803; Lands: Ballinvoultig; Area: 39a.lr.4p.; County:
12. REGISTERED OWNKR: Matthew Kennedy & Margaret Kennedy both
of Inch Cappawhite. Co. Tipperary; Folio No.: I783F; Lands: Inchin-
squillib; Area: Oa.3r.38p.; County: TIPPERARY.
13. RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: William Allen of Carne. Carrickboy, County
Longford; Folio No.: 2023: Lands: Cam (part); Area: 68a.3r.27p.;
14. RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: Katherine Patricia Martin of Castle Farm,
Monkstown, Co. Cork; Folio No.: 6962L; Lands: Monkstown (Castle
Farm); Area: —; County: CORK.
15. RKGISTKRKD OWNKR: Philip and Carmel Hynes both of 593 St.
Mary's Park, Leixlip, Co. Kildare: Folio No.: 18232; Lands: Leixlip;
Oa.Or.10p.; County: KILDARK.
16. RKGISTERED OWNER: Bernard McDermott oi Ballyheerin, County
Donegal; Folio No.: 11025; Lands: Ballyheerin (part); Area: 23a.lr.l6p.;
County: DONEGAL.
17. REGISTERED OWNER: James O'Hanlon & Margaret O'Hanlon both
of Kilmacow, Co. Kilkenny; Folio No.: 4829F; Lands: Ballynearla;
Area: 0.185 acres; County:
18. RKGISTERED OWNER: James Denning of Kilmore, Ktllinkere,
Virginia, Co. Cavan; Folio No.: 12763; Lands: Kilmore (part); Area:
14a.2r.37p.; County: CAVAN.
19. REGISTERED OWNER: Michael Joseph Holohan of Drumcoura,
Ballinamore P.O., Co. Leitrim; Folio No.: 7218; Lands: Drumcoura
(part); Area: 12a.lr.32p.; County: LEITRIM.
20. REGISTERED OWNKR: John Ivory of Robinstown, Navan, Co.
Meath; Folio No.: 14220; Lands: Yellow Walls; Area: 20a.3r.0p.;
County: MEATH.
21. REGISTERED OWNER: James Fegan oi Kilcogy. Longford, Co.
Cavan; Folio No.: 17990; Lands: Kilcogy; Area: 14a.0r.27p.; County:
22. REGISTERED OWNKR: James and Mary Reid both of Garrygang,
Piltown, Co. Kilkenny; Folio No.: 14179; Lands: (1) Garrygang, (2)
Listrolin; Area: (I) 52.525 acres, (2)2.102 acres; County: KILKENNY.
23. REGISTERED OWNER: Thomas McLoughlin, Main Street, Carrick-
on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim; Folio No.: 17497; Lands: (I) Atlyfinlay,
(2) Attirory, (3) Ballynamony; Area: (I) 5a.lr.38p., (2) lla.0r.16p., (3)
Oa.2r.35p.; County: LKITRIM.
24. REGISTERED OWNKR: Christopher Robinson, I Pinewood Crescent,
Dublin II; Folio No.: 39618F Co. Dublin; Lands: — ; Area — ;
County: DUBLIN.
25. REGISTERED OWNER: Louis and Esthe- Gannon of 35 Ashgrove
Close, Carrigalinc, Co. Cork; Folio No.: 37171F; Lands: Carrigaline
Middle (part); Area: — ; County: CORK.
26. REGISTERED OWNER: Daniel & Mairead Looney, 1 Hillside Court,
Ballincurra, Midleton, Co. Cork; Folio No.: I0352F; Lands: Ballyna-
corra; Area: — , County: CORK.
27. RKGISTKRKD OWNER: Patrick Dempsey of Main Street, Schull, Co.
Cork; Folio No.: 32504F; Lands: Skull; Area: 0.654 acres; County:
28. REGISTERED OWNER: Michael Fcchan, 12 Ashgrovc Close, Carriga-
linc, Co. Cork; Folio No.: 352921'; Lands: Carrigaline Middle; Area: — ;
County: CORK.
29. REGISTERED OWNER: Michael and Noreen Crean of Richmond
Court, Bandon. Co. Cork: Folio No.: 52507; Lands: Clancool More;
Area: — ; County: CORK.
30. RKGISTKRKD OWNER: Marie Hayes, 5 Ashgrove Drive, Carrigaline.
Co. Cork; Folio No.: 35439F; Lands: Carrigaline Middle; Area: — ;
County: CORK.
31. RKGISTKRKD OWNER: Robert and Christina Fitzgerald both of 39
Ardmore Estate. Passage West, County Cork; Folio No.: 22389F; Lands:
Pembroke; Area: — ; County: CORK.
32. RKGISTKRKD OWNER: James Buckley and Eileen Punch, both of II
Courtlands, Silversprings, Co. Cork; Folio No.: 10485L; Lands: Ballin-
collig; Area: — ; County: CORK.
33. REGISTERED OWNER: Johannes and Rose Forth of 4 Liffey Park,
Mayfield, Cork; Folio No.: 30777F; Lands: Coom; Area: 0.138 acres;
County: CORK.
34. REGISTERED OWNER: Joseph Mclnerney of Mount St. Joseph,
Passage West, Co. Cork; Folio No.: 36798F; Lands: Ballincollig (part);
Area: — ; County: CORK.
35. REGISTERED OWNER: Donal Kclleher of Liscahane, Millsireel, Co.
Cork; Folio No.: 46512; Lands: Gorleennafinnoge (part); Area: — ;
County: CORK.
36. REGISTERED OWNER: The Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of
Cork; Folio No.: 37791; Lands: (I) Ballincolly, (2) Ballyvolane; Area:
(I) I la.3r.4p.. (2)4a.3r.4p.; County: CORK.
37. REGISTERED OWNER: Albert Elvin of Meencarrigagh, Ballybofey,
Co. Donegal; Folio No.: 4940; Lands: Meencarrigagh (part); Area:
16a. Ir.7p.; County: DONEGAL.
38. REGISTERED OWNER: Eileen Finneran, Goff Street, Roscommon.
Folio No.: 7511; Lands: Goff Street (East Side); Area: 21 perches;
39. REGISTERED OWNER: Philip Filzsimons, 27 Sweetmount Park,
Dundrum, Co. Dublin; Folio No.: One Undivided half share Folio
Number 17242; Lands: Churchtown Upper; Area: .061 hectares; County:
40. REGISTERED OWNER: Patricia Fitzsimons, 27 Sweetmount Park,
Dundrum, Co. Dublin; Folio No.: One Undivided half share Folio
Number 17242; Lands: Churchtown Upper; Area: .061 hectares; County:
41. REGISTERED OWNER: Patrick Power of Loftus Hall. Fethard-on-Sea.
Co. Wexford; Folio No.: 8020; Lands: Slade (part); Area: 29a.3r.22p.;
County: WEXFORD.
42. REGISTERED OWNER: Frederick Joseph and Margorie Williams of
Baldongan, Skerries, Co. Dublin; Folio No.: 5341; Lands: The property
situate in the Townland of Baldongan and Barony of Balrothery East;
Area: 0.445 hectares; County: DUBLIN.