1 9 9 5
A f o o t n o te about the desuetude o f
statutes recalls the debate in the
S e n a te in 1971 on a new statute
prohibiting f o r c i b le entry o f p r emi s e s,
Desmond O'Malley,
Mi n i s t er for J u s t i c e, r e j e c t ed the
arguments of Senators
Mary Robinson
John M. Kelly
that fresh
legislation on the s u b j e ct was
superfluous, having regard to the
En g l i sh statutes on the s u b j e ct passed
in 1381 and 1 3 9 1.
W e must hope that the R o u nd Hall
Press c o n t i nu es to e x p a nd its
c a t a l o g ue o f wo r ks o f Irish legal
historical interest, and that its
enterprise in republishing this work
with a new introduction is rewarded in
the market place.
Daire Hogan
Pr o f e s s i onal Negligence Law
Re p o r ts
Editor Bart D Daly BL; Publisher:
Brehon Publishing, Dublin, 1995,
524 pp., hardback, £125.00.
T h e law o f n e g l i g e n ce simpliciter is
dealt with in detail in all the standard
text b o o ks on the s ub j e c t. P r o f e s s i o n al
n e g l i g e n ce h owe v er c o n t a i ns ma ny
varied and c omp l ex aspects o f the law
o f n e g l i g e n ce generally and while
there are En g l i sh text b o o ks written
e x c l u s i v e ly on the s u b j e ct there is
no Irish equivalent which deals
with the s u b j e ct in a c omp r e h e n s i ve
T h e law in the U K and Ireland has not
a l wa ys run side by side in relation to
certain legal principles g o v e r n i ng
professional n e g l i g e n ce and
a c c o r d i n g ly it would be a dangerous
practice to f o l l ow without question all
o f the principles laid down in the
standard En g l i sh text b o o k s. It is a
natural c o n s e q u e n ce a c c o r d i n g ly that
there have, in the past been
d i f f e r e n c es in the application o f the
b a s ic principles in the c a se law as
b e t we en the U K and Ireland with the
result that, while there are ma ny
similarities, the practitioner must be
aware also o f wh e re the d i f f e r e n c es
lie. F or e x amp l e, in one o f the
landmark Irish c a s es o f
McMaster (1988)
which centered on
an allegedly negligent survey and
valuation, the S u p r eme Court
f o l l owed the Eng l i sh c a se o f
Anns v
Merton London Borough Council
A C,
which has since been
over-ruled in the U K .
A c a s e - b o ok on professional
n e g l i g e n ce dealing with the Irish
j u r i s d i c t i on e x c l u s i v e ly is a c c o r d i n g ly
a work o f i mme n se value to
practitioners due to the a b s e n ce o f any
c omp r e h e n s i ve Irish text b o ok on the
s ub j e ct and the large numb er o f
previously unreported c a s e s. T h e
editor states that he hopes that this
v o l ume will give practitioners all the
important reported and unreported
J u d gme n ts in the area o f professional
n e g l i g e n ce b e twe en the years 1 9 68
and 1 9 9 3.
Part 1
c omp r i s es a selection o f
previously unreported J u d gme n ts
during this period involving the
n e g l i g e n ce o f auditors, auctioneers,
architects, doctors, engineers,
solicitors, s t o c k b r o k e rs and others.
Part 2
c omp r i s es a selection o f head
notes from the landmark reported
c a s e s.
Wh i le no c a se b o ok can be read in
isolation from a text b o ok source there
can be no doubt but that this
c omp i l a t i on is an e x t r eme ly useful
work for practitioners in this area who
can refer to the particular c a se law in
c o n j u n c t i on with other source material
whether from a U K or Irish source.
T h e re is a s u b j e ct index which e n a b l es
the reader to identify the profession
c o n c e r n ed when seeking source
material and there is a list o f statutes
c o n s i d e r ed in the j u d gme n ts reported.
T h e reader is o f c o u r se reliant on the
e d i t o r 's statement that this v o l ume
g i v es practitioners all the important
reported and unreported J u d gme n ts in
the area o f professional n e g l i g e n ce
and, relying on that statement, this is a
b o ok which any practitioner who
practises in this field for either
plaintiff or defendant will find o f
great benefit.
Michael Tyrrell.
The Law of Contract
This is an innovative book on contract law
with considerable emphasis on a compara-
tive treatment of the subject. It examines
all major areas of contract drawing not only
upon English authority and Irish observ-
ance but also the diversity of the Common
Law as operated in the United States, Aus-
tralia and Canada. Attempts have been made
to reflect the ever closer European Union
and the need to create a European legal
ethos if we are to play a full role in the
integration process.
Publication date: September 1995
ISBN 1-85800-066-1; paperback £29.95
1-85800-054-8; hardback £ 4 7 . 50
Drunken Driving and
the L aw (
2nd edition)
This is a thoroughly revised and updated
edition of this definitive work, first pub-
lished in 1986. It explains the changes made
in relation to offences by the Road Traffic
Acts 1994 and 1995, the two statutes form-
ing the basis of the law in this area. It also
outlines the relevant court procedure from
the commencement of charges, the hear-
ing in the District Court, through to the
appeal to the Circuit Court and other re-
view proceedings.
Publication date: September 1995
ISBN 1-85800-047-5 paperback £ 2 2 . 50
Competition Law
Source Book
T O N Y O ' C O N N O R (E D I T O R )
This first volume in the series covers deci-
sions of the Competition Authority in the
period 1 9 9 1 -4 and provides:
• All major decisions (with headnotes) under
relevant subject headings
• A complete list of notifications, with notes
on if, and when decisions have been made
• Procedural guidelines with samples of the
requisite Competition Authority forms
• Consolidated version of the 1991 C om-
petition Act; the Mergers, Take-overs and
Monopolies (Control) Act 1978.
Publication date: October 1995
ISBN 1-85800-048-3 £95.00
Kill I .uk'. llkuknnk. Co. Dublin. Iid.uul
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