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the support and co-operation of the

Law Society of England and Wales.

The Institute has branches throughout

England, Wa l es and overseas

including Bermuda and Hong Kong.

The Institute publishes

The Legal

Executive Journal

which provides

information on all changes in the law,

points o f practice and articles and

legal topics all o f which are essential

to those performing legal services.

Unfortunately, legal executives in

Ireland are not as active in this regard

although an Institute was formed some

few years ago.

In Ireland, the


Order, (Law Clerks Joint Labour

Committee) 1995,

(S.I. No. 189 of

1 9 9 5) has fixed the statutory

minimum rates o f remuneration and

has specified statutory conditions of

employment of workers in relation to

Beware Scams

Several readers have drawn our

attention to the face that another

spate o f scam letters and faxes from

Nigeria are arriving on solicitors'


Although the letters tell a variety of

implausible stories o f enormous sums

o f money which can be released from

Nigeria with a little assistance from

the solicitor in question, usually

with a promised 'cut' for the solicitor

o f many millions of dollars, a

constant request is for information

relating to the solicitor's bank account

numbers. Unfortunately, for those

who might supply their bank account

numbers, it is for the purpose of

making withdrawals rather than

lodgments that these numbers have

been sought!

It is hard to believe that any solicitor

would be so naive as to supply such

information in response to one of

these requests. The



warned against this in the past. Just

one more time, however, we will

strongly advise solicitors not to

respond to these 'get rich quick'

offers made to you with fraudulent


whom the Law Clerks Joint Labour

Committee operates. The effective

date Qf the order is August 1, 1995.

Pursuant to the

Industrial Relations

Act, 1946 to 1990

any agreement

between a law clerk, typist etc. and

his/her employer for payment of

wages less than the minimum rate or

for conditions o f employment less

favourable than the statutory

conditions of employment is void. The

minimum rates for wages are to be

payable clear of all deductions except

any deductions lawfully made under

any enactment for the time being in


The penalty for payment less than the

statutory minimum rates is a fine not

exceeding £ 7 5 0 . 00 for each offence.

The penalty for non-compliance of the

statutory conditions of employment by

Rory O'Connor -

Rory died on 11 June 1995. We all

thought of him as one who would

never be absent from the legal world

he loved. From his admission as a

solicitor in 1943 he passionately

upheld the honour and dignity of his

chosen profession, readily accepting

the onerous duties o f membership of

the Law Society, it's Council and of

it's Disciplinary Committee and at the

same time advising and counselling

fellow members in regard to their

problems with unstinted energy and


The Dublin Solicitors B ar Association

benefited from his membership for all

his professional life. He served on its

Council and as its Treasurer and was

honoured to be elected its President.

The Association will long remember

him. As a member of an established

legal family he followed his father in

the practice at Upper Ormond Quay in

Dublin, where he gave o f his all for

his clients.

A family man, he devoted himself

unstintingly to his wife and children,

and, in more recent times, to his many


T o his friends he was ever affable and

the employer is a fine not exceeding

£ 7 5 0 . 00 for each offence. An

employer o f any worker to whom a

minimum rate is applicable is required

to keep for a period of three years

such records as are necessary to show

whether or not the provisions o f the

Industrial RelationsAct 1946 to 1990

are being complied with. Penalty for

non-compliance is a fine not

exceeding £ 5 0 0 . 0 0. Notices

containing minimum rates of pay and

conditions o f service are to be

publicly displayed in the office of the


Further enquiries should be addressed


The Secretary, Joint Labour

Committees Section, The Labour

Court, Tom Johnson House,

Haddington Road, Dublin 4


6 6 0 8 4 4 4 Extensions 3 0 1, 3 03 and

3 0 4 ).

An Appreciat ion



supporting and his hospitality knew

no bounds.

| We sympathise with his wife,


his children,

Helen, Gay, Marie, Rory,

\ Louise, Barry, Philippa




| with his grandchildren, as well as with

his sisters




and his

j brothers


(solicitor) and


We shall all mourn the loss of one of

nature's gentlemen.
