e. caused his solicitor colleague the
professional embarrassment of
having to write to the defendants in
the claim on 3 0 July 1992
informing them that he did not in
fact act for the said third party
concerned despite previous
f. falsely represented to his solicitor
colleague that a claim by the said
third party had been settled with
her solicitor, when it had not;
g. paid out o f settlement monies
received from the defendants on
behalf o f another third party, the
sum o f £ 1 , 1 1 2 . 53 to another client
of his office;
h. falsely represented to the
defendants by way o f production of
a letter o f 2 September 1991 and a
further letter of 10 September 1991
that he was acting in a claim
against them for another third
party, when he was not;
i. falsely represented to the
defendants by way of a letter dated
31 October 1991 that he had
instructed the said third party to
take the motor vehicle in question
to a certain garage.
"Family Law in
Ireland - Code
of Practice'
The Family Law and Legal Aid
Committee is delighted to announce
the publication of " F ami ly Law in
Ireland - Code of Practice", which is
circulated with this Gazette.
The Committee hopes that the Code
will be o f assistance to solicitors
practising in the area o f family law
both with regard to their overall
approach to a case and to particular
problems which arise as a case
Additional copies are available, free of
charge, from the Society by contacting
Erin Barry
" 2 1 Y e a rs of Irish Mu r d e r"
Guest speaker:
Dr. John
State Pathologist
New Law Library, Church
Street, Conference Room A
19 October at 5 . 00 p.m.
Young Bar
Yo un g er Memb e r s' Committee Ra ce
Thursday 19 October, 8 . 00 p.m.
Members' Lounge, Law Society
Joan Doran,
Law Society
F ou r th J U R I S T E U R O PE
Th eme: Personal liability of c ompany
ma n a g e rs & their advisers.
26/27 October, 1995
Lille, France
Contact: Mary Kinsella,
Law Society
for brochure
Aviation L aw Association of
Australia & New Zealand National
Conference 1 9 95
Perth, Western Australia
29 October - 1 November 1995
Promaco Conventions Pty. Ltd.
P.O. Box 890, Canning Bridge
Western Australia 6 1 5 3.
Phone: 0 9 - 3 6 4 - 8 3 11 Fax: 0 9 - 3 1 6 - 1 4 53
Society of Young Solicitors
Solicitors & Barristers Conference
Dromoland Castle
3-5 November 1995
Contact: Declan O 'Sullivan,
Martin E.
Marren & Co.
10 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4.
D X 58
Phone: 01 - 6 6 8 6 2 66
Semi na r: " T h e Irish Criminal
L awy er in E u r o p e"
Blackhall Place
Saturday, 25 November 9 . 30 a.m. -
1.00 p.m.
(Booking form enclosed with Gazette)
3 5 t h Legal Symposium -
Queensland L aw Society & B a r
Association of Queensland Annual
Con f e r en ce
1 - 3 March 1996
Surfers Paradise, Queensland,
Contact: Nina Psoitis,
Law Society GPO Box 1785
QLD 4001 Tel: 07-3233-5888
International B a r Association
En e r gy & Re s ou r c es L aw ' 9 6
2 4 - 29 March, 1996
Phone: 1 7 1 - 6 2 9 - 1 2 06
Fax: 1 7 1 - 4 0 9 - 0 4 56
CLE Courses
F r e n ch L a n g u a ge Classes for
Each Tuesday beginning 10 October -
12 December
Blackhall Place
Contact: Barbara Joyce or Luke
Brockie (Alliance
P r a c t i c al Implications of the
P a c k a ge Holidays & T r a v el T r a de
Act 1 9 95
17 October, 6 . 30 - 8 . 30 p.m.
Blackhall Place
J ud i c i al Review ( L e c t u re 2)
19 October, 6 . 3 0 - 8 . 30 p.m.
Moyne Institute, Trinity College
P r e - t r i al P r o c e du r es & Condu ct of
an Action
25 October, 5 . 00 - 8 . 30 p.m.
Blackhall Place
Residential Advo c a cy Cou r se
3 - 5 November
Bellinter House, Navan, Co. Meath
T a x Implications of Comme r c i al
T r a n s a c t i ons (series)
Saturday mornings 8 Nov, 9 Dec,
13 Jan, 10 Feb, 2 6 Feb.
Blackhall Place