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proved, because the defendant's failure to take any


to prevent the cause being heard unde

fended amounted to a breach of an agreement,

made with the plaintiff orally in June, 1960, to

defend the divorce petition. A month after the

hearing the defendant received a legal aid certi

ficate, for which he had sent the plaintiff applic

ation forms in August, 1961; the scope of the

certificate was to defend the husband's suit and to

cross-pray for relief. A month later, the defendant

having drafted instructions to counsel, a confer

ence with counsel was arranged which took place

in January, 1962,

the plaintiff being present.

Counsel advised

the plaintiff that she was


desertion, that there was no point in defending, if

that were possible, but that she should claim

maintenance for herself and her son. The plaintiff

accepted this advice. In consequence no applic

ation was made to set aside the decree nisi. The

decree nisi which was subsequently made absolute.

The plaintiff brought an action against



for damages for negligence on


basis that a decree of divorce had thereby been

pronounced wrongly against her, that she had

lost the right to pray for divorce herself and

claim maintenance for her son and herself, and

that she had suffered in health. The defendant

contended that counsel's advice given in confer

ence had broken the chain of causation of damage.

Held :

(i) counsel's error in advising did not

break the chain of causation of damage resulting

from the defendant solicitor's prior negligence.


the plaintiff had lost (a) maintenance for

her son, which would probably have been ordered

but for the defendant's negligence at a rate of

about 40s. weekly for eighty weeks (£160), (b)

chances of protecting a future maintenance claim

for herself when she ceased to be able to work

(£750) and of successfully defending the divorce

suit against her and of herself obtaining a divorce

(£200); but she was not entitled to damages for

mental distress, as her claim

to damages


in contract, not in tort. (Cook v. S. (1966) 1 All

E.R. 248).

Agency Commission

The plaintiff agents accepted instructions "to

sell" the defendants' business on the basis of false

statements as to its financial condition. A pros

pective purchaser was introduced who refused to

go through with the transaction when the true

facts became known to him. Upon the plaintiff's


to recover their agree commission from

the defendants, held that in the absence of fraud

their claim could not succeed.


(1954) v. Canyen Gardens

(1965) 52. D.L.R.

(2d.) 717, British Columbia C.A.).



Applications are invited for a post of Deputy

Director in the United International Bureaux for

the Protection of Intellectual Property at Geneva

in Switzerland. The duties of the post consist,

in general, of assisting the Director in organizing

and implementing the tasks of Birpi. Candidates

should have : —


a wide experience in the field of indus

trial property law and in the field of copyright

law—particularly in their international aspects—

or at least in one of these two fields, preferably

with some experience in the other;


a University degree in law or equivalent

professional qualification;


an excellent knowledge of one of



languages (English and French) and at

least a good knowledge of the other. Knowledge

of additional languages would be an advantage.


limit for- persons other than officers of

Birpi; 55 as of January 1, 1967. The annual

salary will be 86,184 Swiss francs subject to a

deduction of approximately 9 per cent in respect

of pension fund schemes.

Persons wishing to apply should write to the

Head of Personnel, Birpi, 32, Chemin des Colom-

bettes, Geneva, Switzerland, for application forms.

These forms, duly completed, should reach Birpi

not later than June 15, 1966.


A good law clerk or junior solicitor is required

urgently by a Canadian firm of

lawyers who

deal in Real Estate. Initial salary is $6,000.00 a

year. Persons interested should communicate forth

with and directly with John L. McDowell, Esq.,

Messrs. McGann, Fitzgerald, Roche & Dudley,

Solicitors, 51 & 52 Fitswilliam Square, Dublin 2.



Section A—


Albridge (C. T. M.): Service Agreements, 1964.

Blanchard (Jean): The Church in Contemporary Ireland




and G.


Town and Country

Planning, 1963.

Boulton (A. Harding): The Making of Business Con

tracts, 1965.

British Institute of Comparative Law: Symposium on

European Convention of Human Riehts. November
