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the costs shall be on a party and party basis only,

that Counsel will not be permitted except at the

expense of the party retaining him unless in the

opinion of the County Registrar a question of law

is involved which must be argued before him.

Section 22, Sub-Section


provides that an

Appeal shall lie

to the Court from an award,

order or decision of a County Registrar in an

arbitration under this Act.

Sub-Section 3 of Section 22 also provides an

Award of a County Registrar in an arbitration

under the Act may, by leave of the Court, be

enforced as a Judgment or Order to the same

effect and where leave is so given judgment may

be entered in the terms of the Award.

It is our view that the provisions of the Land

lord and Tenant Bill 1965 may be unconstitu

tional in so far as the County Registrar will in

effect be exercising judicial functions notwith

standing the attempt to bring his functions within

the provisions of the Arbitration Act 1954.

Apart altogether from the constitutionality of

the provisions referred t, it is felt that the ad

ministration of the provisions of this Act by the

County Registrar

is not a workable proposal.

These provisions may be defended as being in

the public interest for the purpose of keeping

down the costs and expenses.





the decisions of


County Registrar will be appealed in a large

number of cases for review by the Court and that

the public interest may not be served by sub

stituting the County Registrar as the Court of

first instance.

It is apparent that the costs intended to be

awarded will be on a party and party basis only

at the lowest level and then only of such sum

as the County Registrar in his discretion shall

think fit.

The above are the preliminary observations of

your Working Party and further recommendations

will be submitted as soon as possible.

P. C. Moore

John C. Maher

T. A. O'Reilly

Dated this 21st day of April,



Register C

Small ground rents required. Send particulars to—Box

No. C187.

Will any person holding a will of Thomas Patrick

Reidy, late of 67 Drumcondra Road Upper, Dublin,

who died on

the 4th of December,

1965, please

contact John Dundon & Son, Solicitors, 101 O'Con-

nell Street, Limerick.

In the goods of John P. Doyle late of 47 Capel Street,

Dublin, deceased. Will any person or solicitor having

possession of a will of the above deceased who died


the 14th day of February, 1966, or give any

information regarding its whereabouts, please com

municate with Kennedy & McGonagle, Solicitors,

34 Upper O'Gonnell Street, Dublin.

James Costello, deceased, late of 179 Phibsboro Road,

Dublin. Will any person or solicitor having possession

or knowledge of a will made by the above deceased

who died on 19th day of March, 1966, please com

municate with Messrs

James W. LAne &


Solicitors, 98 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4.


Mr. John S. Morris, solicitor died on 12th May,

1966, at his residence 12 Glenvar Park, Blackrock, Co.


Mr. Morris served his apprenticeship with the late

Mr. Henry G. Morris, 8 Glare Street, Dublin, was

admitted in Easter Sittings 1934 and practised at 10

Clare Street, Dublin, as senior partner in the firm of

Messrs Porter, Morris & Co.


Cast Their Shadows Before?



Chesterfield Rural District Council, Derby

shire, is planning to refer to the Prices and

Incomes Board the subject of fees charged by

solititors for conveyancing work. In an at

tack on

legal costs


is also considering

setting up a co-operative legal department

for use by a group of local authorities in

the north-east Derbyshire area.

(The Observer,

May 1, 1966)


Members please note that this Act comes into

operation as and from 1st July next.



Functions of County Registrars

Lawyers were surprised to read the provisions

in the Bill proposing to confer compulsory judicial

powers on the County Registrars who will act as

arbitrators in fixing the price of ground rents

if the parties fail to agree. This appears to be

essentially a judicial function, comparable with

the jurisdiction of the Circuit Judge to fix the

rent of a new lease under the existing Landlord