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Registry of Deeds

It was reported that the Society had made

proposals to the Department of Justice for amend

ing the statute law relating to the registry of

deeds with a view to bringing the present practice

into line with modern conditions.

Succession Act, 1965

Correspondence received from a member was

published in the Society's GAZETTE pointing out

that section 115 (4) of the Act affects the com

pletion of the administration of an estate as the

right of election of a spouse to take a legal right

share instead of a bequest could be exercised

within six months from the receipt of the spouse

of statutory notification or one year from the

first taking out of representation,

whichever is the


If the personal representative forgot to give

notice there would be no point of termination

of the right of election.

It was decided

to bring the matter to


attention of the Department of Justice.

Commissioners for Oaths

A case was brought to the attention of the

Council by member in which a commissioner for

oaths was asked to take an affidavit prepared by

another solicitor, a large part of it being in blank

apparently to be filled in later by the deponent

or his solicitor.

The Council, on a report from a committee,

stated that this practice was entirely irregular and

that compliance would be a serious breach of

professional conduct.

Professional Privilege — Conflict of Interest

A member came upon the scene of an accident

in which the driver of one of the cars involved

was a client of his for other business. He brought

the drivers of both cars to his residence,


phoned the Gardai to the effect that they were

not required, apparently at the wish of each party.

They had already been summoned to the scene

of the accident before member arrived. Member

had formed an opinion as to the liability of one

of the parties for negligence and had expressed

this opinion in the presence of both parties. He

was subsequently invited to act for one of them

and enquired as

to whether he should accept

instructions and whether he could claim privilege

if called upon to give evidence.

The Council, on a report of a committee,

answered both questions in the negative.

Landlord and Tenant Commission

A report from the Society's working party was


to be submitted


the Commission


Apprenticeship and Education Regulations

New regulations dealing with the Preliminary

Examination were made. They will be published

in the next issue of the GAZETTE.


A most interesting meeting was held in Bus-

well's Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin, on 29th

September when an Accountant delivered his

paper on Office Accounts systems. In the course

of his talk, the lecturer dealt with the setting up

of a proper accounts system which would enable

an auditor to audit a solicitor's books



quickest possible time. The systems suggested by

*he lecturer would also facilitate the issuing of

the certificate required under the new Solicitors'

Accounts Regulations.

The lecture was followed by a very lively dis

cussion during which many accounting problems

were solved.

Members were reminded that the new sub

scription year commenced on

the 1st October.

Members who have not yet forwarded their sub

scription for 1966/67 should do so now. Sub

scription is £1-1-0.

Cheques for membership subscription and tran

scripts should be sent to the Treasurer of the

Society, 15 Braemor Park, Rathgar, Dublin 14.

Future lectures will include :—

Mortgages by Mr. P. C. Moore, Solicitor,

Rents Acts by His Honour Judge Conroy,

A Series on Cost Drawing by a Cost Drawer,

Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) Bill,

Motor Claims,

Licencing Regulations and Practice,

Estate Duty,

Investment Portfolios Analysis.

The following transcripts of lectures are now

available :—


Hire Purchase and Credit


..................... 4/- by post 4/9


Office Administration

... 5/6 „




Building Contracts ......... 3/- „




............... 3/6 „



4D Bankruptcy Discussion

... 3/- „




Registration of Title

...... 7/6 „



Wards of Court ............ 3/6 „
