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Heward (E.): Guide to Chancery Practice, 3rd edn.,


Houseman (D.): Law of Life Assurance, 6th edn., 1966.

Ireland: Index to the Statutes, 1922-1963 and 1964-

65 Supplement.

Ireland: Index to Statutory Instruments, 1961-1963.



in Education Report — Annexes

and Apprendices—1966.

Ireland: Bound Statutes, 1963 (2 vols.) and 1964.

Kahn-Freund (O.) ed.: Labour Relations and the Law,


Keeton (G. W.): Introduction to Equity, 6th edn., 1965.

Kennard (C.) and J. Dutton: The (English) Building

Regulations 1965, 1966.

Kerly (D. M.); Law of Trade Marks, 9th edn., 1966.

Law Commission (England): First Annual Report, 1965-


Law Reform Committee Reports

(Chairman, Lord


(a) Twelfth Report—Transfer of Title to Chattels.

April 1966.

(b) Thirteenth

Report — Hearsey



Civil Proceedings, May 1966.

Criminal Law Revision Committee Reports (Chairman,

Lord Sellers): First, Second, Third, Fourth and

Seventh Reports, 1959-1965.

Law Reports (England): Index. 1961-1965.

Megarry (R. E. and H. W. Wade: The Law of Real

Property, 3rd edn., 1966. (Two copies).

Morgan (B.): Estate Duty Saving and Capital Gains

Tax, 3rd edn., 1966.

Munkman (John): Employer's Liability at Common Law,

6th edn., 1966.

Morris: Report of

the Departmental Committee on

Jury Service, April 1965.

Odgers (W. B.): Principles of Pleading and Practice,

19th edn., 1966.

O'Donnell (J. D.): How Ireland is Governed, 1966

O'Higgins (Paul): Bibliography of Periodical Literature

Relating to Irish Law. 1966.

Parker (D. B.) and A. Mellows: The Modern Law of

Trusts, 1966.

Parry (Sir David): The Law of Succession, 5th edn.,


Paget (J.): Law of Banking, 7th edn., 1966.

Phipson (S. L.): Manual of the Law of Evidence, 9th

edn., 1966.

Potter (D. C.) and H. H. Monroe: Tax Planning, 5th

edn., 1966.

Redgrave (A.): The Factories Acts. 21st edn., 1966.


(A. H.): European Institutions, 2nd edn.,


Saorstat Eireann: Private Acts, 1924-1926.

Scarman (Sir Leslie): A Code of English Law, 1965.

Salmond (Sir John): Jurisprudence, 12th edn., 1966.

Schmitthoff (C.): The Sale of Goods, 2nd edn., 1966.


(E. H.): Principles of Equity, 26th edn., 1966

(Two copies).

Statesman's Yearbook, 1966-67.

Treagus (J.) and W. Rainbird, ed.: Butterworth's Costs,

3rd edn., 2 vols. 1966.

Treitel (G. H.): Law of Contract, 2nd edn., 1966 (Two


Tristram and Coote: Probate Practice — Second Cumula

tive Supplement to 21st end., 1966.

Underbill (Sir Arthur): Principles of the Law of Partner

ship, 8th end.. 1966 (two copies).

Wall (E. H.): The Court of Justice of the European

Communities, 1966.


(K. C.): Modern Constitutions, 1966.


Whittaker's Almanack: 1967.


(Lord), A. Campbell and N. Elles: The

Law of Restrictive Trade Practices and Monopolies,

2nd edn., 1966.


(Geoffrey); Restrictive on Constitutional and

Administrative Law, 1966.

Widgery: Report of Departmental Committee on Legal

Aid in Criminal Proceedings, March 1966.

Who's Who: 1967.

Writers and Artists Pearbook: 1967.

Words and Phrases Judicially Defined:

1966 Pocket

Supplement, 5 vols.


Donations and Exchanges

(1) from author—John Temple Lang: The Common

Market and the Common Law, 1967.

(2) from Finnish Bar Association—J. Votila, ed.: The

Finnish Legal System. 1966.

(3) Exchanges from Universities:

Dublin University

(Trinity College) Calendar,


London University Calendar, 1966-67.

Manchester University Calendar, 1966-67.

Queen's University, Belfast, Calendar, 1966-67.

International Law List, 1967.

New South Wales Law Almanack^ 1967.

National University of Ireland Calendar, 1966-


University Colleges—Cork, Dublin Galway :


endars, 1966-67.

(4) Messrs. McMahon and Tweedy, Dublin.

Ruddall and Creig: Trustee Act, 1893.

Daly and Healy: Criminal Justice (Administration)

Act, 1914.

Barton: Analysis of Irish Criminal Law. 1862.

Levinge: Justice's Manual, 1853.

Dogherty: Crown Circuit Assistant, 1788.

Millin: Petty Sessions Digest, 1898.

Humphreys: Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland

Act, 1887.


Registry C

Re/ Patrick Raymond Byrne, B.L., late of 2 Strad-

brook House, Blackrock, County Dublin.

(Eaminer of Titles, Irish Land Commission).

Will any person having knowledge of the whereabout ot

a Will of the above deceased, please communicate with

the undersigned:





Mr. William T. Nicholl, solicitor, died on the 9th

March, 1967 at a Dublin Hospital.

Mr. Nicholl served his apprenticeship with Mr. Ed

ward H. Byrne, 7, Lr. Ormond Quay, Dublin, was


in Trinity Sittings,

1956 and practised at

7, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin.

Mr. Kevin Nugent, solicitor, died on the 13th April,

1967 at the County and City Infirmary, Waterford.

Mr. Nugent served his apprenticeship with Mr. James

A. Binchy, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, was admitted in

Hilary Sittings, 1944 and practised under the style of

Messrs, Henry Shannon & Co.,

2, Brighton Place,

Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.