Alcalá 1979
University ot s~n Diego A ch v s
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C:~EDi°TS ; \' 266 1C10~lr
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If I had a day to pend, I would go out in the sun, nd I'd think on ye terday- When my life wa a simple one;
But now the day is clouded with fear and pain , nd I long for ye terday before the rain.
But the problem come, and m heart i cru hed : o letter from home, no one to touch- nd m life i broken , haltered with lonline
o I take a walk and I find the ky, Reflecting a rainbow in my olemn eye.
And I ee yesterda , my pain i gone.
-C. Ca rpenter
Little school being go, be gone, Find your place and move along. Don't earch for
tar they re hard to reach- Enjoy your life, before, it gone. -C. Carpenter
Come to me,
I'II make you a
Dance with me,
and we'll go far– bove the light in
ew York' place,
I'll shine our dream upon your face.
nd then you'll know the stage I am, And then ['II know the star you 'II be.
-C. Carpenter
Study is a wretched thing, it drains the mind and fills the brain- with thoughts of men and his society, for the profes or' own propriety. wonder if the profes or will ever come to grips with the cause of man 's " cultural drift. " It is not the change of ea ons that cause man's decline to reason, or the decline in the scientific race; but, it is because men mu t endure these pains of tudy which hall never cure much le a i t our brain in the progre ion of the evolutionary train. - . Carpenter
Dr. Arthur E. Hughe if the President of the Univer ity of San Diego. His home hovers above Mission Bay where the night lights are clearly visible. His office is located on the first floor of De Sales Hall where he attends to his daily business and welcomes the
concerns of students. Hughes has maintained his position for seven years and has enjoyed his work. He i an attractive and hard– working man who is dedicated to the improvement of USD's Catholic Institution .
Born in Mount Union, Iowa, back in 1915, Bi hop Leo T. Maher now resides as the Third Bishop of San Diego. He was given this title by Pope Paul VI on August 27, 1969, and was installed October 4, 1969. Bishop Leo T. Maher is the Chairman of the Board of Trustee
of the Univer ity of an Diego. He holds many important titles, including: Knight of the Grand Cross and Grand Prior of the Western Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jeru alem.
Former President Gerald Ford, Bishop Leo T. Maher, and President Author E. Hughes. Ford was a guest during the trustees retreat weekend held in Palm Springs, Nov. 3-5, 1978
• •
I) Dr. J. Robert Bruck
2) Dr. Robert F. O' eil
3) Dr. Anthony Alessanda
3) Dr. Phillip Hunsa er
y es
I) Prof. Ethel
4) Dr. Donald Helmich
2) Prof. Ellen Cook
I) Dean James M. Burns
3) Prof. Donald Lintz
2) Dr. Roger Glaser
4) Dr. Fred R. Bahr
3) Dr. Charle Holt
I) Prof. Paul R. Gardner
4) Prof. Hubert Lelechowski
2) Prof. John McCabe
I) Dr Franklin Young
7) Dr. John Valois
2) Dr. Doris Durrell
8) Dr. Patricia Feulner
3) Dr Gerald Spurrazo
9) Dr. Michael Soroka
4) Dr. Mary Jane Warren
IO) Dr. B. Michael llancy
5) Dr Daniel Moriarty
11) Dr. Eugene Labovit1
6) Dr Angelo Orona
B E H A V I 0 R A L s C I E N C E s
I) Dr.
pan is
2) Dr.
anal Baker
3) Dr. Robert Corbeil
4) Dr. Ros Dingman
5) Mr. Tim Zimmer
6) Dr. Louis Burnell
0 G y
5) Dr. leforest L. Strunk
I) Dr Robert L Infantino
6) Dr. Philip 0. Hwang
2) Dr Jack R. Morrison
7) Dr. Joseph Rost
3) Sr. Genevieve Lane
8) Dr. Edward Kujawn
4) Dean William E. Elliott
ENGLISH I) Dr. Dennis lausen
2) Prof. Irving Parker
3) Dr. Ben
4) Sister Helen McHugh
5) Prof. Marcia Klein
6) Dr. Lee Gerlash
I) Prof. Majorie Hart
2) Prof. Deloss McGraw
3) Prof. Florence
icholas Reveles
4) Fr.
5) Prof. Myrna
6) Prof. Gay
I) Dr. Graciela Grave
2) Prof. Brigille Holver on
ariner Mapa
4) Dr. Jeanne Rig by
I) Dr. Stanley Gurak
2) Dr. Dwight Bean
3) Dr. Lynne Small
4) Prof. William DeMalignon
4) Dr. John Swanke
1) Dr. Dennis Rohatyn
5) Dr. Joseph Ghougassian
2) Dr. Patrick Hurley
6) Fr. William Shipley
3) Dr. Laurence Hinman
___, I
1) Mr. Woodward Romine Dept. of State
2) Prof. John Chambers
3 Dr. A. Paul Theil
4) Dr. Ernest Morin
5) Dr. Gilbert Oddo
L I T I C A L s C I E
I) Dr. Patricia Traylor
2) Dr. Ray White
3) Dr. John McDermott
4) Dr. Gerald Estberg
5) Sr. Agnes Schmit
6) Dr. Jack Opdycke
7) Dr. Patricia Shaffer
8) Prof. Ed Warren
R E L I G I 0 N
• fl •
I) Fr. Joseph McDonnell
2) Dr. Kathleen Dugan
3) Dr. E. Jane Via
4) Dr. Raymond Ryland
5) Prof. Helen Delaurentis
6) Fr.
orberk Rigali
7) Dr. Delwin Scheider
8) Fr. Dennis Krouse
I) Prof. Delilah Green
2) Prof. Janet Harri on
3) Prof. Mary nn Hautman
, ,
I) Prof. John Mosher
2) Dr. James Otro
3) Dr. Iris Engstrand
4) Dr. James Moriarty
r. Helen Lorch
A D M I N I s
T R A T I 0 N
6) Mr. John D. Boyce
1) Thomas F. Burke Dean of tudents
ice Pre . Busi. Affair
einshein Controller/ Financial
7) Mr. Gene
2) R. Ben on Barr
Asst. to Pres. and provost
) Dr. Gilbert L. Brown, Jr. ice Pre . niv. Religion
3) Donald Johnson
Chief ecurity/ afety
9) Dr. James Hottois t. Dean rts
4) Financial Aid
an one, Herbert Whyte,
itting: Kathy Davies, L to R: John
arilyn Friedrich
niver ity Religion Left: Teresa Hanten, Right; Janice Banno, Front:
ara Finn
I) Jeanette Zavacky
2) Shannon Moore
Asst. Dir. Ilousing
J) Skip Wabh
Asst. Dean of Student<,
4) SiMcr Tim Malone Campus Ministry Coordinator
r. ally Furay Vice Pres. Provost
6) Sr. Annette Bourret Dir. of Admissions
7) Fr. Larry Dolan. Chaplain Dir. Campus ministry
Herbert Whyte Dir. of Financial /\id
Il Staff or Rcg1,1rar I
's 1chol.1
R ,1,inding Penn~ ."11111h.
\ nn (, ,bb,
's orth S111ing
DeTun. 1-. a~
2) , ,chola, DeTun Rcg1,trM
J) ·1aff of Graduate, Spcual Program I -R ,1anding
\ nita Garner. Juan \1 r,1.
\1 .,1
I ronl
·r \l ,1rlcnc Bra,cl1cld
Raffcrt). Ra) Brande
· Brande
4) Ra)mond
pee. Program
Dr Graduate
:) Dr C Jo cph Po aten
Dean College \ rh ·c1encc
6) Tom Co i.iro,c \ "ociate Dean of 'tudenh Director of pceial Fvent
l I I
President/Chris Monica
Chris is a senior Business Administration major/English minor who enjoys sports (especially football) , drawing, and writing movie critiques. He is genuinely interested in student ' problems and interests, and hopes that this year as A.S. President he can put their ideas and suggestions into action. In this important position, Chris presides over Student Senate and Executi ve Board meetings, coordinates their activities, and is ultimately responsible for the welfare of the Associated Students of USO.
Vice P resident/ Micki Furr
Micki Furr, a senior English major/ peech minor, enjoy the beach, T.G .'s, music, dancing, and meeting and helping people. Her position as ice-President consi t of a sisting the President with hi many dutie , and informing him of variou . . committee · activitie / progres / deci ions. icki al o chair the Program Board which plan and organize a varied, balanced program of extracurricular activitie geared toward student participation a nd pirit.
Sccretar) of Co111111unica11on,. Karen Goodfcllo\\
l\ aren Goodfcllo\\, the of
·0111mun1ca11on,. "a Junior h1gl1,h
111aJor/Bu,1ncss and Philo,oph) minor 11ho cnJO)s ·a n Diego. the outd,>or,. people and part) mg (not neces,aril) m that order') She arrange, .ind coordinate, all on-campu, publ1cit) 1n conJunc11on \\llh the So, Ch.11r111.1r. Karen abo coordinate, the monthl) \.S Social
·ccrclar) of
cademics/Jon T . Matsuo, J r.
Jon \fatsuo is a ophomorc
ccounting maJor/ Poli11cal
c1cncc minor "ho
,ports. especially baseball and racket ball, mu,1c. and the KGB
Chic en. cademics. Jon is rc,pon,1blc for the coordma11on of all academic mallcr and activities pertinent to the students One of his Job, 1 to coordinate the Academic Re earch Grants election Board. "hich gl\c ,mall grants 10 ,tudents, covering equipment costs of proJects that arc o,cr and beyond departmental expenditure. \s ccrelar) of
Secretary of Justice/ Xavier Baeza
Xavier Baeza, a junior Political Science major, plans a career in government and law, and enjoys spy novels, old movies and sports. He is the Secretary or Just ics, and is in charge of the Student Court (Traffic Court of Appeals), being responsible to the President for the execution of all judicial funct ions or the Association, such as senatorial and executive board elections as well as updates on A.S. documents and proceedings.
Secretary of Finance/Kirk "lgmos" Fischer
Kirk Fischer is a sophomore Math major/Economics minor who likes participating in sports and collecting Marvel comicbooks. His position as Secretary of Finance gives him many responsibilities to handle: setting up the annual budget from figures given to him by the Business office (regarding A.S. student fees), recording and taking care of all monetary expenditures, and reporting weekly to the Senate on the financial state of the Association. SECRETARY OF FINANCE
Social Chairman/Mike Taylor
Mike Taylor is a senior Political Science major who has actively participated in USO sports and musicals. As Social Chairman, he coordinates, initiates and supervises a constructive and creative social program for the ASB. He is also a valuable asset to the Program Board.
Secretary of Student Services/ Pat Galvin
Pat Galvin, the Secretary of Student Services, is a sophomore Business Administration major with a possible future in law, and enjoys water and snow sports; surfing and skateboarding are his favorites. He is the A.S. Liaison to the faculty and administration in matters of food services, chapla in service, health service and Physical Plant matters, and also assists in promoting A.S. and Universi ty sports programs of immediate interests to students.
R A R y
I) Bill Hall , Ma rjo Grey
2) Mrs. W. Roy Holleman Univ. Librarian
3) Joseph Simpson Asst. Librarian
4) Madeline Wiedower Circulation Asst.
1) Peggy Aberton
2) Mrs. Barbara Burke
3) Fr. Paul Donovan
4) Mr. Wilson E. Shurr
5) Dr. Diane Glogowski
6) Dr. Patricia A. Watson
I. Armando Aguilar 2. Manuel Aguilera 3. Ricardo Alberto 4. Tami Albright 5. Charles Aldridge 6. Melody L. Allen 7. Christin Alvarado 8. Caroline Baddour
I. Laurie K. Bailey 2. Patsy Baker 3. Iida . Ballier 4. Cathy Barnes 5. Lori Barnett 6. Patric Barry 7. Cathie . Barter
. Chri Beason
I Martin G. Bell 2. Jaymie Bernstein 3. William Bilotta 4. Melissa Blackburn 5. Diane E. Blackenburg 6. teven M. Blizzard
7. Rosalie Bradley 8. Barbara Brennan
I. Karen M. Closson 2. John G. ook 3. Geoff oster 4 Michaele oudures 5. Alice ox 6. Andrew 1-1 . ravitz 7. arol Cruz . Mary urialc
I. Daniel DeLaurenti 2. Denni Dema cio 3. Rosalie Deluca 4. Frantz J . Delva 5. tephen Denni 6. Michael Devereaux 7. Evelyn Die . Deborah Dimeglio
I. David Dorman 2. Debra Drost 3. hzabet Dumolt 4. indy S. Entress 5. Roth Erne 6. John K. Farr 7. usie Fennell 8. Patricia Fielder
I. Hugh R. Ford 2. Hennin D Foreman 3. Jay For t 4. Paul Fo ter 5. Regina M. Francuz 6. Ken Fri bie . Karen . Frizzell . Michele Furr
I. Patricia Garwick 2. Aloma R. Gender 3. Kathleen George 4. Brian J . Ginaine 5. Maria M. Goette 6. Kathleen Gorman 7. Cathleen Goulet 8. Martha Graves
u an T . Green tephani Gregory
I. 2.
3. Ro ario Guizar 4.
illiam Gunderman
5. Chri top Gyben 6. ictoria Haas 7. Lonnie Hale . Loui e M. Hallbach
Michael Ilammer
2. Judith Ilarpcr J. Robert Ilart 4 cil S Ilcnncssy ~- h.cvin P Ilcnry 6. Kevin Herbert 7 Marilou ll ibanada l! Michael Ilibcrlc
I . Larry G Hickman 2. Jame L. Hitz.elberger 3. \1artha L. Ho in 4. Robert Houz.e 5. Theresa H renchir 6. Denni Iba 7. Paula lghn ki . Joanne I. a
I Theresa Issa 2. Michael Johnson 3. andra L. Johnson 4. Jacqueli Jordan 5. Michael Kcrshek 6. Dorothy Kettel 7. Kathleen Kindel 8. Li1_abeth Knox
I. \faureen La France 2. Joseph . La Rus a 3. Mar Lawton 4. Michael Lawton 5. Eric Lee 6. Jerry Leeper 7. Robert Leon . Cynthia Liliebladh
I. Paul Ling, Esq. 2. nrol Lipinski 3. Denise Londo 4. Marissa Lopiano 5. Jacqueli Luca 6. 7. Francese Mallarno 8. Mary L. Maloney
arrnen M . MacDonald
I Gregory \1 ar11n 2 Thoma, \l artm 3 Kenneth \ fa:,,berr 4 Jo eph K \le affre) Kevin P 1cGarr} 6 \ na \1 \1edma 7 \far} A 1edlico11 Jame \1ercado
I. hris Miller 2. Mark R. Millsom 3. Mark W. Miranda 4. Maura K. Monahan 5. hristopher Monica 6. Francisco Montano 7. Richard Montano 8. Jeffrey Moore
\far F \f ootharl
~- Gail \1or e 3 \ lichael \1 urph) 4 \l ana \t u ial Elizabeth \1 }er 6 Davi, ager ~ Kathleen '\arc Patric O' Leary
I. Mark J. Olson 2. Linda Orwig 3. Jeyul Paik 4. James Paulson 5. Marie J . Peck
6. Edward Peterson 7. Kathleen Peterson 8. George /\ . Pnaurn
I. Jeanne Pieri 2. Kevin J . P1 e 3. Jerr) Plummer
4. Gary L. Prettyman 5. Peggy J . Provencio 6. \1arianne Purlia 7. Bianca R. Ragone i "1 ichael Ramirez
I. David K. Rankin 2. ntonio Rem 3. Irene Rodriguez 4. Mark . Ross 5. Bernard Rumps 6. Karen . Ruppe 7. Annette Russick . Jacinta Ryan
I Patricia
2 \ lar}
3 Ca rol R. 4 Pierre 5. Jo eph 6 Ho"ard
ar 1
7. Paige
Charle e
hamsky haughnessy hillito ilsby
5. Rosemary
6. Martha meil1 7. Mallhcw Smith 8. Kris orcnson
\-1a r1a F
2. Rand) D
\-f ana
4 Carl
t. George
6. Claire
Torn I . 'tnck la nd John I· Sullivan 3 I 1nda M. Sulliva n 4 Susan Sulliva n ~ V1ctona Sween 6. David Tamayo 7 Michael Taylor 8. J.t1mh1d Tehra ni '
I \.1 arcclla Teran 2. \\ arren Thefeld 3. Ea rl T homp on 4 Barbara Thor 5. \ nme Thornton 6. Bcverl} Toth \.1 ,chael Trent . Deland 1 Tulao
I. Rebecca Vcrtullo 2. Joanna Vettraino 3. Jill M. Vranesh 4. Ann M. Wagner 5. Mark Waldschmidt 6. Deborah Wallace 7. Patricia Webb 8. ancy Weiss
I Charle, \\, enker 2. te,en \\, e 1er 1 3. Jean \.1 Wil inson 4. Barbara Williams . Jeanelle ill 6. Richard \ old 7. Michael \\ right usan E \\ right
I Don Yarkin 2 Tsuyoshi Yogi J Patricia Ysiano 4 frank lotter ~ l\llarc1a /wicky
.. ...... . . • ' •
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• . . . . . . . . .
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Rhonda Addington
Mary Alcob1a
Debbie Anderson
Drew Armstrong
hris Baer
Kerry Barnsley
Ja) Beck
Belinda Alcantara
Judy Altmanshofcr
Mary A. Arena
Gloria Atencia
Denise Bailey
Wayne Baumann
Kenneth Be 1
Chris Bond '•._, .. ·c~
Com,tance ampbell
Lynn Bingman
Pete Boreham
Bob a1e111
\.11chael Bu,h
Earl Broderick
Melody Booher
McRoy Brewster
A. coll handler
ve Blomberg
S 011 Brown
Bob all
Dan abana
.... -.
;. ,;, ,,
•'. i'' .·' . '.'~-' -· . ' ' '
; ~
Kathy Chatigny
Cynthia Chive
Chris Ciampa
Robin Coleman
Barb Connelly
Todd Cote
Shirl Creighton
Michael Chirnside
Stephanie Choo
Frank Cohenour
Domina Collins
Joseph Connolly
Christine Craney
Martha Crosby
Doug Evrtz
Paul Dronen
John Dooley
Donna Dieckmann
Pat Doherty
L0retta Desjarlais
Gena Darner
Ginny Fabrizio
Doug Evertz
Teresa Doyle
Michael DiRoma
Michelle Donahoe
Donna Devine
Tom DeMarco
John Fagan
Bernie Filtz
Linda Geary
Lisa Gualtieri
Chris Francescon
Teresa Gray
Gabriela Fuentes
Corinna Faulhaber
Carleen Giusti
Ken Fort
Margarita Ham
John Fray
Maria Green
Colleen Galvin
Andrew Issa
Brian Harper
Anne Holmes
Anne Hickok
Claret Hasse
Karen Harris
Debbie Hanshaw
Patty Jarvis
Mark Hanson
Cynthia Harris
David House
Brad Holden
Maril Herman
Liz Harsch
Keith Jennings Torn Jensen
Felicia Joa Chris Joyner
Bill Kohl Ma ry Krupa
Cathy Kaspcrick Roman Kownacki
Kathy Judson Laurie Karbcs
Katy Kiley Kali Kitchen
Patricia Kearin Jane ll Keeling
Marianne Lynch Caren Molacek
Victor Lorenc Terrence Loui
Mike Loftus Maryann LoPieeolo
Cat hy Leonard Frederick Leung
Charles Lawler Ana Leledon
1lelena LaCaille Brad Lance
Bob Kunz Hans Kuppcrs
Chris Martinez .Jim McClcllana
Christine McNerney Mark Moffat
Katie Moniscalo Kackie Morris
Kathleen Myers Joanne Nielson
Drew Neubauer Eva Nino
Robert Noriego Sall y North Mulfrd Michele Murphy
Denise Poniatowski Donna Porter
Lou is Pct ric Jim Petruzzelli
Erin O'Donnell John Ong
Suzy O'Nicl Sherry Osborne
Ralph Partida Kim Paucl
Bridget Oat is Bob O'Connell
Charles Pillon Lorraine Poggionc
Ana Quan Rosa Quan
Tom Reilly Kimberlee Reimann
John Roach Beatriz Rodrigue7
Steve Rumps David Ryan
Jasmin Sa idi Lupe Sa monicgo
Terrie Roe Marc Roc loffzen
Kelly Rose Cindy Roth
Eva M. Sa tori Mary Schlesinger
Lynn Schmeeckle Hilary Schmit
Schnackenberg Kathleen Schubert
Da urene Shelley Jenny Shields
Bart Scott Michelle Serrio
Sue Shook Kelly Skemp
Maria Soto Ca rla Sylvester
.•_,..,~··~ .•
~.-:-\ \,
G. Symonds Kelley Taylor
Nick Tenwolde Donna Thuerauf
Jane Turney Lizotte Usa
Joyce Valadez Judy Valadez
Monica Valtierra Yvonne Vanson
Andrew Volkert Mary-Kale Walker
Dave Westhem Sharon Wi lson
Cunningham Wri Mary Young
Jolene Wolf Theresa Woods
Lise Bartman Mary Bartolme
Bea Bastien Mike Ballaini
Dave Alessi Lawanda Allen
Debbie Barlow Elisa Bartlell
Douglas Allenby Dave Amarante
Adel e Arlow Jasper Babcock
Kay Anderson Petheo Aniko
Julie Bauman n Rick Beaums
Heidi Bender Josephine Bennett
Gretchen Bixler Beth Boeken
Gina Bouloy Patti Boyle
Marianne Brown Grace Bugelli
Wilson Brewster Kevin Briscoe
Bridget Brennan William Brennan
Viki Burts John Butler
Jim Cairns Lisa Calvetti
Sylvia Campa Kim Cane
Hugo Cargnelutti Claire Carpenter
John Carrier Laci Carroll
lra1.ema Carles Frank Casella
Jeff Chand ler Christina Chauncy
Mike Eringcr Susie Feneis
Mike Dyson Robert Engle
Karen Dowe Coleen Downie
Dave Dalton Karen Davidson
Al Delco Carol DiStcfano
Sergio Cruz Bruce Czcrnck
Rick Closson Rcchcllc Condi
Dimpne Figuracoon Moria Finnerty
Tom Frankowski Judith Gaccetta
Pat Galvin Mark Garibaldi
Jim Gaud Dan Gaydos
Mike Geraci Gerold Golt
David Gould Christine Graves
Marga ret Gunn Dave Hall
Mary Karcher Helen Kasperick
Richard Jarrett Molly Johnson
Scott Jacobson Joe Janus
Shawn Jackson Cynthia Jacobs
Cathy Hughes Joe Hynes
Jeannie Hebner Masayo Honjo
Mary Hannon Janet Heath
Terry Kearney Marcia Kelly
Liza Kennedy Jim Koenig
Gerry Korson Tom Korson
Elise Langley Susan Lawb
Scott Lipton Ernestine Lopez
Janet Lynch George Madok
Sheryl Lorey James Lowther
Julie Melfi Marla Merhab
Joan McM ill en Shannon McNair
Kevin McGill Peter McKernan
Virginia McDonald Mike McGee
Brooke Mayfield Valerie McConas
William Malony Jon Matsuo
Mark Maeder William L. Maheu
Michelle Merrie John Mobilia
Mary Montanio Bret Muth
Sharon Nadalsky Susan Nelson
Joe Norton Kate O' Neil
Donna Potter Charlie Radovich
Frank Padon Chris Paliobagis
Joanne Patapow Lee Potier
Adrian Rosas Maria Rosas
Rosalie Rocha Debbie Rodrigues
Susan Shea
Cynthia Rose Steven Ruby
Pat Schaar
Rick Russell John Sarture
Karen Reinecke Kathy Robb
Masako Shimomura
Patti Schreiner
James Silcox Lisa Sill
Beth Slater Geneveive Sousa
Matt Stehly Diane Steinbrenner
Randy Stevens Adrinne Swanke
Mike Telles Doug Thomas
Maryann Thomson Joe Timmins
Steve Vasq uez Mariana Vazquc1
oreen Weeded
Carmen Villalobos Caulos Virginia
Chris Whitton Joan Wright Rebeccalynn Williams Henry Zahner
Cheryl Zankich Leah Zeldin
Brian Weiss
Joe Andrews John Andrews
MaryAnn Aronson Flora Atkins
Louie Ayala Butch Babcock
Richard Baddour Xavier Baeza
Thomas Balles Su7.ann Barajas
Brigid Bennett Mercedes Bennett
Julie Barone Diane Barry
Christine Chapman Will Dailey
Daniel Casius Cynthia Cayabyab
Ken Capone Jim Carrigan
Ca rrey Campbell Mark Canns
Greg Bullian Paul Brownell
Wilmer Brown Nick Bruno
Wendy Bond Arny Brewster
Ci '.
Susan Dupan Bernard DuPar Locmaria
Susan Dcgrcgory Joan Deweese
Mary Dinippo Mat Dillhoefer
Joe End Michael Ferguson
Mary Ferons T" m Flint
Bob Fra ncavill a Anita Gampeal
Anne Gemma Selene Giusti
Karen Goodfe llow Elizabeth Griffin
James Gonzalez Jean Gonzalez
Chris Hadzicki Lucia Harnrneri ch
Mike Hughes lssam Abu Issa
Tom Hendrix Betsy Hickethier
Karen Hardos Doug Hel zer
Terry Holt Gary Holtey
Duane Lindsey Maureen Lirpolo
Dan Lanahan Saliao Levi
Kevin Kraj niak Nicholas Krall
John Knoth Andy Kozlowski
Laura Jimenez John Kelly
Kim Jacobs Eric Jensen
Tim Klein Jeannine Kleszcz
11 2
Karen Morrison Janelle Moser
Evelyn Metoyer James Mitchel
Melissa Mcc/\be Pat Mercer
Harold Martinez Marty Mates
Corinne Marteeny Grace Marlin
Mandy Madok Colleen Malone
Ken Loughran Steve MacGregor
11 l
Mark enad Gloria Nestlerode
Arnold Neves Brent Nickolai
Sharon Oseransky Frank Paga no
Mary Palomino Patricia Patapow
David Thomas Perry Matt Petray
Mike Pon Steph Powell
Cha rles Pret10 Stua rt Putman
,·~ •. ';._··.\":.·.·.····· .. ··· ~ ,1 .. ·-',,i I
Sharon Seivert Jayne Senikowich
Mike Saverino Jim Schwart?
Henry Rorigue7 Louise Rumps
Laura Rutledge Rusty Russe ll
Vince Rogers Raul Rojas
Gloria Reyes Ed Roenken
1lcnry Ramire? Mall Reno
Maura Shat fell Sue Shook
Don Slater Rob Snyder
John Spicker Michelle Squires
Juana Statler Lee Anna Stokes
Marty Sturgeon Kande Sullivan
Brian Sundberg Carla Sutter
Par Svensson A lex Szekcy
Dennis Wilson Ken Wong
Mark Warner Brett Wehn
lrtha Vissepo Jessie Walsh
Mena Usa Olivia Valle
Leyva Thomas Joe Traczek
l £_
11 7
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Iota Tau, local chapter of A.K . Psi, has now gained its standing as a chapter and is finishing their first academic year. This year brought several activities including: speakers, film tours, the Regional Conference at Fresno and service projects which brought recognition from the community.
Alpha Kappa Psi, a very well known and respected co-educational business fraternity, is the oldest professional fra ternity for Business Administration . It was founded in 1904, and continues to expand. Presently, A.K. Psi membership is open to all Busi ness majors at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Alpha Epsil on Del ta is an international honor society for those pursuing careers in the health professions. It functions quite similar to the Amoeba, changing its shape as it engulfs new members with interests in the health sciences. Uniting as one cell encourages excellence in pre– medical scholarship, stimulates an appreciation of the importance of
pre-medical education and promotes cooperation and contacts among pre– medical, medical and allied health students and educators. This energetic
Vice President Greg Martin, Secretary Don Trotter, Social Chairperson Chris Chapman, Treasurer Mike Devereaux and Historian Monica Weiss. Now, if the words of Alpha Epsilon Delta do not permeate your memory, just recall AED (Amoebae Even Do-it).
organism also provides practice exams, peer counseling, guest
speakers, tours, and other activities to aid students in their pursuit of goals. The nucleus of this educational cell consists of the president Helen Burke,
STANDING BACK ROW L-R: Mr. Ed Wa rren, Faculty Advisor, Tom Smith, Beverly Lindsay, Helen Burke, Marcella T eran, Noel Baker, Virginia McDonald, Patrick Ba rry. STA DI G 2N D ROW L-R: Dr. Carol Baker, Faculty Advisor, J . Andrews, Shawn Jackson, Dia ne Ba rry, Flora Atkins, Martha Goettc, Vicki Haas, Geoff Coster. SITTING: Ma rtha Rietow, Susan Shook, Cleta Romero, Kim Jacobs.
Founded in Farmville, Virgini a, in 1898 , Zeta Tau Alpha now contains the third largest number of co ll egia te chapters of the twe nty-six ati onal Panhell eni c Sororit ies . The Theta Epsil on Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha was co lonized on the US D campus October 12, 1978 , by fo urtee n Charter members Theta Ep ilon
ma intains the sta nda rds a nd philanthropy of the national sorority by all owing the members to retain thei r indi vi dua lity, in additi on it continues to help the mentall y retarded cit izens of the community ... Theta Epsil on is a growing chapter a nd is invo lving itself in beneficial and enj oya ble ac tiv ities.
hris Whitton, Marga ret Gun n, Ca thy Kearny.
L to R: J ane Longrin . Cassie Duran, Donna Potter, Suza nne Whitter, Teresa Tuny, Te rry Woods.
Tau Kappa Epsilon, a fraternal organization, represent deep friendship and mutual understanding exist among thi group of men who have imila r ideals, hopes, and purposes. Such a bond of friendship and understanding furnishe the indispen able incentive which helps the college man develop friendship . A
into a poised and self-confident adult– fortified by a group of true and understanding companions which will abide throughout life. The fraters of Tau Kappa Epsilon continue to pon or and participate in T.G .'s, partie , assist in Oxfam, along with numerous other functions.
L-R: James O' Malley, Mike Erlinger, Geoff Coster, Joe La Russa. Mike Bauaini, Kent Stromberg, Mar Maeder, Cameron Crowner.
Kap- ADPi Oxfam Softball Marathon ; and countless partie and ocial event . In addition, the Phi Kaps formed a nucleus for the cheering ection at Torero football games; they al o instilled school spirit into the ne11 Freshmen by their participation in Fre hmen Orientation '78. The Brothers of Phi Kappa Theta demonstrate a unique ability for leadership amongst organizations on the USD campu .
The Brothers of Phi Kappa Theta thi year continued their record of leadership in the areas of socia l life in a nd service to, the USD community. Annual events/services which were once again performed by the Phi Kaps included : Airport pickup for Freshmen arrivi ng in eptembcr; ushering for Speakers Bureau events; participation in the First Annual USO Greek Weekend; publication of the school's student directory, TH DIAL; building one of the rooms for the Halloween Haunted House in the Lark; sponsorship of the econd Annual Phi
TA '\/ _DI G L-R: \-l ike Depwla. Eric Lee, Duane Lindsey.Tim Burk hard, Jim Romo, Kirk Fisher, Joseph Ja kubczyk, Drew eubauer. 2 DROW: Brent ,cola,. Joe Traczek, Peter \1 1lner, Joe 01 on, Charle Pre110. 3RD ROW: tcvc Komenda, Bob Leon, Mike Rodriguez, Henry Zahner. OT PICT RED: John Beall, John Farr, Bill '-1 cGeorge, Chris Redo, Fr. eal Dolan.
lpha Delta Pi orority joined with three other Greek organizations to make known the fun and sati faction 1\hich can be found within fraternal ) tern . The olde t ational orority, lpha Delta Pi, stresses involvement in chool, community and hristian area . Zeta Pi chapter of DPi tre e these strain and develop further it bond of love and lo alt . The i terhood of Alpha elta Pi ha been active in several
aspects of the
D campus thi past
year. The group participa ted in charitable events, holiday festivities and erved as hostes ·es for lectures, pre entation and concerts. The strength of Zeta Pi wa s best demontrated by its active, individual participation in student government, ampus Mini try, Freshmen Orienta tion , sports a nd various other clubs.
On ladder· Gloria
e tlerode.
nnelle Rurnck, Gina Prancuz. \1 eli a Zu,er, Tricia Gar-.1c . Jean Gonza e, On hdc
\nn Gemma. Barbara Cha,c, In 1 r c. L1bb~ Z1rpolo. Jane O'Dram. eated l l R Elirnbcth Griffin, Debbie
bac'. Jeannie Hebner, \ end) Bond. Shannon \lc'\ air.
landing L to R \f ie i Furr. Pat \furcer. ue
hea. Gail
Pall} Andrews, Karen Goodfellow.
ally Finn. Anne Pollock. Chri tina Aharado. 1ar} Difilippo. Kim Pane.
Barlow, Karen Harris. Beth Sla ter, my Brc" ster. Pat \f onlO)a. Julie Robar!.. Claire Carpenter. \1ar} \ nn \bacher Ramirez, Ann Robins. Luanne Barraca. J o~ephine Bennett. Kri ti Iglesia . and Y~eue Pourciau .
l ho n \ IC } Haa.. Barbara
scholarships raised by Account ing Society members through donation from the business community and alumni. The Accounting Society i currently in the process of becoming a chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, the national honor fraternity for accountants, and hopes to achieve this goal in the near future.
their accounting and business classes. On the lighter side, the society also sponsors a variety of speakers during the year. conducts tours of C. P.A. firms locally, sponsors parties and social activities, promotes membership in professional organizations and presen ts an annual Spring Banquet at which time the Society awards
In its ninth yea r at D, the Accounting Society is a student organiza ti on which promotes the persona l interaction of acco unting st udents in academic and community endeavors. The Accounting ociety operates a student manned tutoring lab in the chool of Bu iness which is open to all student seeking help in
uzanne Whitak 7 r,
Leve Kuhn ,
redit, Barbara Rimcrez, Lee Lin,
teve Parna s, Jinney Journal , Tom Leyva, Debbie dv1sor, Andy Ko1l_o~vski, Jo~c Mejar~s. Charle Hetu , Jill
TA DI G L-R : Alvarn d o, El h cl
ranesh, Z. Roe Bala nce, Jim Paulson, \I arren Thefeld.
ykes, Faculty
K I EELI G L-~- Pally Ysiano, Karen Ru ppe, Tricia Garw1ck, Carne Galvin,
ong Ma ry Madok John
ronson Ken
ick Bruno, Ma ry Anne
Redmond, Pat O Leary.
in recent years at uch
lub is made up of a
notable re ort a
spen and
olid group of fun loving individual dedicated to the pursuit of the finest skiing in the West, wherever it may be. Led by the biggest fun- lover of all time, "Action" Jackson, these finely tuned athletes made
and Park
tah; outh Lake
Tahoe and
quaw Valley; Mammoth
and Big Bear.
o doubt about it: 'Go for the Gu to!'
01 ~· ~:
I Phebai_a. Ben Dover, Lou Stules. Phil O'Sophy, Gay Barr, Moc Tell, Justin Thyme,
cal 1' .
ick O_'Teen, Ilene Dover,
. Geste. Howie K1s es, G. Purskreepers, K. Passo, April Showers, Matt Tre_ s, Edd) Kil k C . Tory, C. Spotrum, Lois Denominator, Rufus Leaking, Ima Dor · ·
Hoc, Hope Ferterbe t, Hal O Tos1s, Earl E. Bird, Shirley
Lance Boyle. Luce Morales, Frank Furter, Amanda B. Reconwith, Lil Abye, al
enor. K EEU G L-R: Parry Plegic, Jim
a1ium, Jean-Claude Jackson, June Bugg, Barb Wire, Bimbo.
pecial Education Cl ub at hapter 974 of the Student
public awa reness and acceptance of exceptional children, providing opportunities for profe · ional growth, providing services to children, and involvement in governmental policy– making.
D i
Council for
xceptional Children. It
1 involved in the pecial Olympics, several fund raising projects, and scheduli ng gue t speakers. The major goal of the chapter are; developing
primary interest among its member is to observe as many ha bita nt of Sout hern Ca lifbrni a as poss ibl e with special empha is on th e a nima l fo rm in each one. Acti c ities thi s yea r incl uded: wha le wa tchi ng, desert trips, back- packing in th e loca l mounta ins, trips to an Diego Zoologica l Society, c loning, a nd films.
lub is of special
The Biology
interest lo those student intere led in vertebra le biology or ecology. Its membership extends beyond Biology majors, in fact, some of the most active members are Business majors. The club does not have a particu lar theme, however, all member are devoted to constructive escapism, even if it is semi-biological. The
usan hoo ·
B k M
L-R: Pat Barr,. Kim Jacobs. Diane Barry Cleta Romero Hel Geoff Co,ter Manha Rictow D·,ego Ca.rd· R . '
onica Weiss, Cat hy Johnson, Dr. Pa ul Wecdson, J ayne Senikowich,
ur e,
FENCING CLUB The Fencing Club has celebrated its second year as a campus activity.
fencer requires leg strength, balance, a nd a great deal of physica l stamina. The Fencing Club hopes to enthuse the students to actively participate, so that it can eventually become a team that can compete with other colleges.
It promotes the sport of Fencing, which is much different from the Theatrical Fencing seen in movies or on the stage. To become a skilled
STAN DI G L-R: Dean Halstead, Roman Kournachi. "1ikc Chirnside, Kris Soren on.
UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES CLUB The Und er Seas Di ving C lub is a lso known as th e Scuba C lub on the .S .D. campus. It pl a ns boa t di ve ,
beach trips, pa rti es, a nd get togeth ers whe re the stude nts sha re slides a nd di ve sto ries. The c lub is made up of students inte rested in di ving a nd the deep blue sea. An y other stude nts a lso interested in th e ocea n a nd vi ewing the undersea wo rl d a re invited to a tte nd .
L-R: James Coustea u, J esse, J a ne Coustea u, '- ic k \ll oronc, Tod Cote, \ll ikc Bush. Ha rold Ma rtinel , Bi!I Kohl.
PSI CHI P i Chi is the ational Honor ociety in Psychology. The club
to encourage membership of all psychology st udents. This year our goa ls a re a nd bave been directed to encouragi ng closer student-teacher rela tionships. This is accomplished by as king the fac ulty to come and di scuss thei r work as profes ional psychologists whether teaching, resea rching, or engaged in psychothera py. We have already had
Dr. Dori Durrell a one gue t speaker. She shared with us her experiences in graduate school and her work as a private clinical psychologi t. In the immediate future we will be having as speaker Dr. Gerald Sperrazzo, Dr. John alois, Dr. Michael Haney, and Daniel Moriarty, Jr.
erves two purposes: First, it offers by the national psychological associations representation for our younger tuden ts in psychology; and second , it erve to stimulate interest in p ychology as an academic and professional field of work. The USO chapter of Psi Chi tries
BACK ROW L-R: Bill Mitchell Patrick Johnson, Mark Johnson, Tami Albright, Thomas \11 artin FRO'-T RO\i L-R: \1ark Luciano. Emma ogalc. Pat amaniego, Elizabeth Dumolt, Jane Doc, Sydney Taylor, Mary Palomino.
BELOW L-R: Don Yarkin, Gaye Soroka, Sue Greene, Shannon Moore, Karen Closson, Anastasia Lott RIGHT L-R: Michelle Michelle, Deborah Wal– lace, Skip Walsh, George Pflaum.
STAN DI NG L-R: Mary Difilippo, Cha-cha Mallmao, Ann Gemma, Martha Hosk ins, Sr. Lorch. SITTING L-R: Kathy Angelos, Jane Scnikowich.
I L-R: Chris Monica, Greg Mitchell, Ea rl Robinson, Dave Regaski , Tony Directo.
The R .A.'s are carefully selected students whom have aplied for this position due to their natural interest in aiding their fellow students. Being an R.A . at USD night sound like a fun job, but they carry several responsibilities, such as; planning student programs, hold ha ll meetings, orientating the Freshmen, helping students in Housing matters. They are benevolent and kind , a ttentive and available at the most needed times.
L-R: Debbie Wallace, George Pnaum, Mary Pat McCabe, Ca thy Johnson , Joe Eno, Michelle Michelle.
The Hawa ii an Club is des igned for those students interested in the culture , tradition , people, sa nd) beached (beautiful girls) of Polynesia. The Club welcomes all students and it's goal is to share and enjoy their knowledge a nd interest with the rest of the USD student body.
STA DI G L-R : Ma rk Doc, Mall Maui , Glenn Kuba, John Dcagon, Mark Powers, Sharon Wilson, Rick Russell . Bia n Games. S ITT I G L-R : Rh onda Addington , Jane Doc, Domini Collins, Michell Squires
Chosen in April of last year, this year's cheer and song squad consists of returning members: Candia ansell, Marie Peck and Peggy Provencio. Newcomers this year include: Kathy Dibos, Rosalie Rocha and Cheryl Zankich. Prior to the beginning of the semester, the girls attended camp at UCLA in order to improve and acquire new skills. These newly attained skills were presented at the football and basketball games. The girls led the students as they tried to arrouse school spirit.
Left; Football: Rosa lie Rocha, Peggy Provincio, Cheryl Zankich, Kathy Dubois, missing: Marie Peck. Below Basketba ll: L to R : Rosalie Rocha, Jenny Guerin, Cheryl Zan– kich, Kathy Dubois.
marketplace and brainstorms ideas in the way of creative planning. The Board consists of the ASB Vice President, the Social Chairman,
The ASB Program Board has the primary responsibility for planning and organizing a varied and balanced prog ram of extracurricular activities geared toward student participation and spirit and is designed to meet student interests and needs. The Board coordinates the programs of all student organizations in order to avoid conflicts and overlaps in schedules, keeps in touch with the needs and interests of students as well as what is available in the
Secretary of Communications, appointed Directors of student
organizations and representatives of the Dean of Students and Resident Offices. The Program Board holds two meetings per month, the first dealing with proposals for events, the second confirming and finalizing events for the ASB Calendar.
L-R: David Pa rry, Teresa O' Neill, Stua rt Putnam, Ga ry Becker, Mi cki Furr, Chairperson, John Martin , Sr. Tim Malone, Jea nette Zavacky, Judy Ha rper, Ka ren Goodfell ow, Clair Stehly, Jim Levett, Kellie Eva ns, Mike Tay lor, Vi ce-Cha irperson, Jeff Moore. NOT PI CT URED: Tom Cosgrove, Administrative Advisor.
BLACK STUDENT UNION The purpose of the Black Student Union, BSU, is to afford black
students a channel through which to make a more effective adjustments to the university environment. The BSU provides a means to gain information on available school facilities, counseling, and other assistance. In addition, the club also tries to bring about a higher cultural awareness for the general student population through cultural events, dances and concerts.
L-R: Joe Nelson, Frant z Delva, Melanie Bevan, Henin Forman, Heidi Krcizinger, Shawna Gillesby, Josiah Alexa nder.
entertained USD throughout the year. My staff and I thank the students for their enthusiastic support.
The LARK is the university's "Night-club", giving the students of USD a place to meet, dance, talk, and enjoy the company of their fellow students. The LARK has changed considerably in the past three years.
Shows are no longer performed in the small room, but have moved to the larger area of the Student Union to accomodate the crowds. Shows like "Montezuma's Revenge", "Splash", "Rosie and the Screamers", "Captain Cardiac", and "Disco Nights"
Sincerely yours, Stuart Putnam, LARK Manager
L-R: Jim Levett, Teresa O'Neill, Stuart Putnam, Jenny Jones, John Mobilia.
SPANISH CLUB The Span ish Club is an organization dedicated to the
and the Spanish spirit of celebration. This year they plan to have a gazpacho luncheon, visit the Tinkin Gallery in Balboa Park, organize a field trip to Playas de Tijuana, sponsor a Spanish language film from Argentina and visit an orphanage in Baja, California.
The most important event sponsored by the club, the Christmas posada, involves not only the members of the club and other students, but the congregation of the Immaculata, the faculty, staff and their families. The posada is the club's highlight and features the traditional procession, breaking of pinatas, spanish music, dance, food
furthering of students' contact with Spanish cu lture, art and language. The members of the club both students of Spanish and native Spanish speakers , gather together several times a semester. These meetings are planned and discussed in Spanish.
ierod zinski , La urie Rutledge.
STANDING L-R: Dr. Bacalski, Ka ren Ha rris, Melody Booher, Suzy Shamsky, Sr. Alicia Sa rre, Ga brielle
The French Club is beneficial to the French students at USD. With its casual atmosphere, it is a source for learning about French customs and cultural experiences. It also gives the French students a chance to practice speaking outside of the classroom. Some activities which the club sponsored this year were: a trip to an authentic French bakery, French movies, a French fondue party and a French Christmas party. Members of the club include: the professors of the French department, French I I and upper division students, and anyone else who speaks the language and would like to join.
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CONCERT BUREAU USO Concert Bureau 78-79 was headed by director David Thomas Parry and assistant director Alan Greenspan. Mr. Greenspan was also in charge of a ll concert photography. Events by the concert bureau fall
rock & roll. Spring term promises concerts with Toto, Tom Scott & the L.A. Express, and The Rolling Stones. The concert bureau is currently awaiting the completion of its new 70,000 seat arena, to be situated where the Immaculata is currently located. Even larger shows can be expected then.
term included "Beatlefever" with the Beatlemania cast, midnight movie festivals, and wild private parties. The latter always included sex, drugs, and
L-R: Joe James, Steve Danton - Security, Alan Greenspan - Asst. Concert Director, Jim Levett - Stage Director, David Parry - Concert Director, Mike Smith, Mike Taylor - Activities Director.
This year the USO Surfing Association attained new goals. The year was marked by numerous trips along the California coast and Mexico. To reduce the expenses of travelling, the team sponsored dances, TG's and parties. This year was given added strengths by its new members, Freshmen: Mike Mori and Steve
Erlinger, along with Upperclassmen: Bill Riker, Chris Ayres, John Muccino, Pepe Morris, Jim McDermott and team captain, Mark Layback Schaub. Together the members presented tough competition as they battled against other teams on the west coast.
- -
First row; L to R: John Carrier, Pat Galvin , Pepe Morris, Linda LeiAnn Mulford, Claret Haase, Jay Surf, Doug Taylor. Second row; L to R: Joe Smith, Steve Erlinger, Roman Kowonki , Lou Riker, Chris Dyers, Bill Parr, Rich Schcrratti . Third row; L to R: Kevin Rose, John Muccino, Mike Maui, Jim McDermit, Eric Hiss, Mark Powers, Ma rk Shaub, Albert Calperon, Joe Surfer, Mike Mori, John Fraye.
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