
2 . E n Grosserer køber i Rio 12000 kg Kaffe å 3 £ 7 sh pr. 50 Vi kg. F rag ten udgør 2 f 2 sh 8 d pr. 1000 kg. Assurance, Kørsel, Arbejdspenge m. m. belø­ ber sig til 210,80 Kr. Til forskellige Om kostn in­ ger m edgaar yderligere 2K pCt. af alle fø r­ nævnte Udgifter. a. Naar Kaffen derved i alt komm er til at staa Grossereren i 18833,35 Kr., hvad h a r h an da betalt i dan ske Penge for 1 £ ? b. Ved et Uheld m ed Kaffen blev 12 pCt. af den værdiløs. Hvor m ange pCt. tjente Grossereren ved at sælge Resten af Kaffen til en P ris af 2,05 Kr. pr. kg? (1 Dec.) 1 £ = 2 0 sh = 240 d. In th e summ er of 1665 a terrible plague broke ou t in London. On the door of every house which the plague h ad visited, a red cross was painted, and carts went from house to house, carry ing the dead bodies to great pits where they were th row n down. Thousands of m en and women fell down as they w alked in th e streets and died in a few hours. Lon­ don was like the city of the dead. One hu n d red and fifty miles away was the little village of Eyam , w here the people though t they were safe from the plague; yet it was no t so. The fam ily of a tailor who h ad recieved some cloth from London suddenly showed signs of the plague, and in one day the whole fam ily fell ill and died. O ther fam ilies were soon stricken , and the clergy­ m an, w ith his wife and others, heroically nursed the sufferers. The chu rch was closed, the children did no t go to school; nu rsing the sick and burying the dead took up all the time. In order th a t the terrible plague should not spread to o ther p a rts of the country, the brave vil­ lagers m ade a great and noble resolve. Led by their clergym an they shu t themselves off from the outer world. Nobody came into Eyam , and nobody went out. Daily did these heroes figh t the plague, dying ra th e r th a n expose others to danger. The E arl of Devonshire, who h ad an estate in the neighbour- Engelsk Version. The Villagers of Egam.

hood, took care th a t food and medicine were placed at regu lar times in certain places outside the village, and the men of Eyam went out later to bring in these things. Two h u nd red and fifty-nine out of three hu nd red and fifty inhab itan ts died, bu t in all this time not a single case of plague occu rred in any of the villages around. plague, Pest. — pit, Grube. — stricken, ramt, angrebet. — to expose, at udsætte.

Realeksamen i Maj—Juni 1934. Dansk Stil. Som alm indelig Fo rberedelsesek sam en .

Regning og Matematik. 1. D. lx/i 1933 fik A udbetalt en Arv paa 19650 Kr. Samme Dag indkøbte han for en Del af Pengene 15000 Kr. Aktier i Københavns Telefonselskab til Kurs 126 (Kurtage og Stempel ialt 3/8 pCt. af Kursværdien). Resten a f Pengene indsatte han i en Bank til 4 pCt. p. a. Hvor sto rt et Beløb indsatte h a n i Banken? Af Aktierne fik A udbetalt Dividende d. V? med 2>2 pCt. D ividenden indsatte han paa Ud­ betalingsdagen i Banken. D. “ /g. 1933 solg'te h an Aktierne til Kurs 128 (Kurtage og Stempel ialt 3/s pCt. af Ku rsvæ r­ dien), og samme Dag hævede h an hele det Be­ løb, h an havde indestaaende i Banken. Hvor meget fik A ind ved Salget af Aktierne? Hvor sto rt et Beløb hævede h an i Banken? Hvor stor blev han s Formueforøgelse ved disse P enge­ anb ringelser? 2. En T ob akshandler i København indfører fra Am sterdam 4 P akk er Java Tobak å 50 kg B ru t­ to; T araen udgør 1 pCt. af Bruttovægten. Indkøb sprisen er 1,2 fl. (Gylden) pr. Y? kg Netto. Søassurancen udgør K pCt. og Tolden 3 pCt. af Indkøb sprisen; F rag ten er 20 Mark pr. 1000 kg B rutto; and re Om kostninger udgør ialt 17,16 Kr. Beregn de sam lede Udgifter pr. kg Netto i danske Penge. T obakshandleren sælger en Del af Tobakken for 9,40 Kr. pr. kg, medens Resten paa Grund af et

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