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components and so CNES also had to cope

with a mixture of original imperial drawings

and new metric ones to build the machine.

Corus Northern Engineering Services

– UK


: +44 1642 404726





These products include gas turbine engine

shafts, structural and landing gear forgings

for military and civil aircraft, as well as

manifolds, sphere tees, valve bodies and

seamless pipes for the offshore oil and

gas industries. The new machine is part of

a significant capital investment expansion

project at the company’s Livingston site.

The plant boasts one of the world’s largest

‘clam shell’ furnaces, which is used to heat

treat the seamless pipes.

The CNES machining workshops in

Scunthorpe are equipped with heavy duty

cranes, lifting gear and machining facilities

required to carry out the new grinding

machine build. The majority of the new

machine (in terms of weight) is in the rails

and travelling beam, which had to be lifted

in one piece, and so heavy duty lifting gear

was required.

John Backhouse, business development

manager, offshore and energy at CNES

said, “

Our engineers had to manufacture

the new grinding machine from the

original drawings. The existing grinding

machine includes both metric and imperial

Corus Northern Engineering Services

(CNES) has built and installed a large

grinding machine for Wyman-Gordon Ltd,

a manufacturer of seamless pipes for the

offshore oil, gas and power generation

industry, based in Livingston, Scotland.

The new grinding machine, which measures

19m in length by 2.5m wide and 4.5m high,

weighs approximately 70 tonnes and has

a 16m travel for the grinding heads. The

machine will supplement the company’s

original grinding machine, which is more

than 40 years old and will help to reduce

lead times for process pipe.

The new grinding machine will be used to

grind the outside diameter of seamless

pipes, which vary in length from 5m up

to 12m, with diameters from 200m up to

1,200m (as long as the weight does not

exceed 15 tonnes). The grinding machine

grinds the outside casing to give a smooth,

flat finish to the pipe.

Wyman-Gordon manufactures a range

of class 1 rotating parts for military, civil

and industrial gas turbine applications.

Tungsten carbide

insert for outside

tube scarfing

HSS-DMo5 saw blades

& friction circular

saw blades


Impeder core for

high frequency

welding of tubes

Fiberglass pipes

for impeder



30026 PORTOGRUARO - Italy - Via Umbria, 15

Tel. ++39.0421.271699 Fax ++39.0421.770571

New grinding machine for seamless pipe manufacturer

CNES has installed a new grinding machine for
