9.7.2014 SPSFAM Meeting Book - page 62-63

Fitness for Purpose
Draft Fitness for purpose statement (FFP)
A method for the determination of the major chemical species present 
in selected food matrices of any of the following elements: Arsenic, 
Mercury, Cadmium or Lead. 
For the purpose of this Fitness for Purpose statement:
The method should be able to speciate and quantify the major forms 
(summing to >85% of total) of the element present in the food 
matrix Separation of the species should be achieved through the use
of liquid chromatography or ion chromatography that is interfaced to 
Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP‐MS) 
technology. Methods should specify which matrix materials are 
acceptable for examination of the elemental speciation. Methods may 
be single matrix applicable. The Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) of an 
individual speciated elemental form should be below 15 parts per 
billion (ug/kg).
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