Chapter 3 PlacingaCall andOther BasicPhoneTasks
Cisco IPPhone 7960 and 7940SeriesUserGuide
Call pickup and group call pickup are optional features configured by your
system administrator; your phone does not support these features by default.
How toPickUpCallsWithinYourGroup
Call pickup allows you to pick up incoming calls within your own group. A
“group” in this sense is any consolidation of Cisco IP Phone extensions, as
defined by your system administrator. For example, your groupmight contain
co-workers in neighboring offices or cubes.
Activate call pickup so that an incoming call delivered to another extension in
your group rings on your extension.
Step 1
Press any available
button on your Cisco IP Phone.
Step 2
Press the
soft key. The call now rings on your phone.
Step 3
Answer the incoming call.
If there ismore thanone incomingcall involvedwhenyouactivatecall pickup,
the first unanswered call will ring at your phone.
How toPickUpCallsOutsideofYourGroup
Group call pickup allows you topickup incoming callswithin your owngroupor
in other groups. A “group”might contain co-workers in neighboring offices or
Youmust dial the appropriate call pickup group number when using this feature.
A call pickup group number is provided to you by your system administrator.