Cisco IPPhone 7960 and 7940SeriesUser Guide
Chapter 4 GettingStartedwith FeatureButtons
Using theServicesButton
Follow these steps to assign a fast dial code to a phone number.
This procedure describes how to assign a fast dial code to a person already
included inyour personal address book. To assign a fast dial code to a personwho
included in your address book, see the tip that follows this procedure.
Step 1
Begin by searching for the address book entry towhich the phone number
belongs. See the
Step 2
Next, click the
fast dial icon
that corresponds to the appropriate entry.
The Add a New Fast Dial Entry pop-upwindow appears.
If no fast dial icon is displayed, you have not entered a phone number
for that person’s address book entry yet. In this case, click on the
person’s name tomodify the entry.
Step 3
In the Fast Dial Association area, choose a fast dial code for this entry from the
“Index” drop-down list. Choose any fast dial code number not already assigned.
Step 4
In theDirectoryNumber Association area, select an address book entry. For
example, select “John Smith.”
Step 5
The next step depends uponwhether or not the phone number towhich youwant
to assign a fast dial code already exists in your personal address book.
If the phone number towhich youwant to assign a fast dial code already
exists in your personal address book, click on theDirectoryNumber
drop-down list to choose the phone number. ChooseH for a home number,W
for a work number, orM for amobile phone number. For example, choose
“W-4321” for John Smith’s work number.
If youwant to assign a fast dial to John Smith’s newwork number, for
example, but have not entered this newnumber inyour address book, you can
enter it now to assign a fast dial to it. To do so, enter the phone number in the
“Enter a directory number” field. Enter the number as youwould dial it.
Step 6
Step 7
Close the window.