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City of Morgan Hill

Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring and Inflow/Infiltration Study

12-0248 AEG CofMorganHill FM Rpt.docx

Page 43 of 46

Inflow / Infiltration: Synthetic Hydrographs

In order to model design storms, synthetic hydrographs were developed to approximate the actual

RDI hydrograph shape in terms of the time to the peak and the recession coefficient. The actual RDI

hydrograph was best matched with a synthetic hydrograph by separating the synthetic hydrograph

into seven volume components (R1 through R7). The seven components represent different

response times to the rainfall event and, therefore, different infiltration or inflow paths into the sewer

system. R1 is characterized by a short response time and is assumed to consist of mainly inflow. R7

represents slower response and longer recession times and consists of mostly infiltration. Levels of

soil saturation are also considered. Using synthetic hydrograph analysis, appropriate time and

recession parameters were estimated by a trial-and-error procedure until a good match was obtained.

For example, the hydrograph and its component hydrographs for Storm Event 1, for Site 3 is shown in

Figure 31.

Figure 31. Site 3, Storm Event 1: Synthetic Hydrograph


Realtime I/I Hydrograph

Synthetic Hydrograph

R1 Component

R2 Component

R3 Component

R4 Component

R5 Component

R6 Component

R7 Component