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two pounds of :.ugar in the juice of ten lemons

anti two sweet oranges, which strain into the bowl,

and add the rind of a n orange, a nd, by degrees, the

whites of ten eggs, beaten pre,·iously up to a froth ;

place on ice for a wh ile; t hen stir briskly and serYe



119- ROCKY l\IOUl\TAI:\ PU:t\CH. L. D.

Take a large soda-water glass and fill with

chipped ice; put in a teaspoonful of sugar, and

squeeze ha lf a lemon in ; add half a liqueur-glassful

of marasch ino and a liqueur-glass of rum ; shake


fi ll up with champagne; decorate



m season, a nd dash th e top with claret ; t hen build

up a pyramid with the whisked white of an egg.

dash the top with claret or .-\ngostura bitters, and

serve w ith straws.




PU:t\CH. L. D.

Take a half-pint tumbler and fill with chipped

ice; put in a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, the.

yolk of an egg, a nd a liqueur-glassful of old brandy ;

ftll up th e tumbler with

caje 11oir;

shake well;


put a little coloured sugar on top, and serve with


121 - ROYAL AQL':\Rl Ul\I PUNCH.

Tak e a large punch bowl ; pnt in the yolks of six

eggs a nd ha lf-pound of powdered sugar ; mix this

well ; beat up the whites of the eggs separately,

and then mix in the bowl ; add one wine-glassful ot


a bottle of brandy, a ditto of "Liquid

Sunshine " rum, two quarts of new milk, three

bottles of soda-water; mix well together ; you will

h ave sufficient to supply a party of twcnty-ftvc.