Uganda’s MDGs Status
Uganda has made substantial progress towards achieving the MDGs, although more needs to be done if all are
to be attained. With continued good policies, Uganda appears likely to achieve targets for Goals 1, 3, 6, 7
and 8.
The country may also achieve Goal 2 on Universal Primary Education (UPE) and the target for hunger. This
will however require greater effort in encouraging children to complete Primary level education.
However, progress towards Goals 4 and 5 – to reduce child mortality and to improve maternal health – is
uncertain. Most mortality is due to malaria, diarrheal diseases and upper and lower chest infections most of
which diseases have a direct environmental link.
Considerable effort has gone into providing safe water within easy reach for all Ugandans by 2015. However,
achievements todate still fall short of the target.
Uganda is reported to be losing its forest cover through deforestation. Various studies (e.g FD, 2000; MFPED,
1994; FAO, 2000 - cited in UNDP, 2004) report estimates of varying annual deforestation rates from 550 km
per year to 700 km
- 2,000 km
per year, primarily due to deforestation for agricultural land.
Uganda’s MDGs Status
Malaria control: PMI Net Retreatment launch at Nabwigulu
Sub county, Kamuli District (2008)
A typical 3-point water supply, Kamuli District Inset: A self-closing water tap
prevents wastage
Simondwa 2008
UNDP, 2007, Millennium Development Goals Uganda’s Progress Report