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Access to safe drinking water

MDG 7 on environmental

sustainability aims among others

at halving the proportion of people

without sustainable access to safe

drinking water by 2015.

Water sources considered safe

include piped water, boreholes,

protected springs and gravity flow


Sixty seven percent of all households

in Uganda now have access to safe

water sources.

The challenge is sustainability of

these sources in view of increased

degradation of water catchments

and surface water sources.

In urban areas the proportion of

people with access to safe water is

87 percent while it is 64 percent in

the rural areas.


: UBOS, UNHS 2005/6, 2002 Uganda Population and Housing Census Analytical Report

Access to safe drinking water

MDG 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability

NEMA 2003

Distance to safe drinking water for the regions



A man accesses unsafe drinking water from a pond in Migera, Nakasongola District