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Giuseppe Amplo and his family are well known

for their warm hospitality at Engelberg’s Al

Monastero restaurant. Since last summer, the

Italian family has also been running the

Bierlialp pizzeria and steakhouse. They didn’t

go looking for this new venture, but the pull to

take on a new challenge was just too strong.

The Amplo family relocated to Engelberg

in 2005 and have since earned a reputation as

welcoming hosts. Af ter hav ing worked at the

Europäischer Hof, Giuseppe Amplo went on

to manage Hotel Miramonti, formerly Hotel

Maro, with his wife Rossella.

But when problems arose

during renovation work and,

coincidenta lly, the former

Gasthaus Engel was put up for

lease, the couple jumped at

the chance to take that over

instead. They opened the renamed A l Monas-

tero restaurant in November 2011. The Ita lian

word “Monastero” in the restaurant ’s name is

an homage to the nearby Abbey and a symbol

of the family’s respec t for tradition. Af ter a ll,

Gasthaus Engel is the oldest tavern in Engel-

berg; it was opened by Abbey monks in 1778.

The couple a lso embraced tradition

when they took over the Bierlia lp. Their pre-

decessors had renamed the restaurant “Au-

bergine”, but “Bierlia lp” had been a household

name throughout the region and beyond for

many years before that. “We readopted the

name ‘Bierlia lp’ because it is traditiona l and

brought the restaurant plenty of success in

years gone by,” explains the new leaseholder.

The menu will a lso remain unchanged – af ter

a ll, it makes sense for Ita lians to ser ve pizza.

But un like A l Monastero, which is an Ita lian

restaurant through and through, the Bier-

lia lp is a lso a steakhouse. “We want to of fer

Mediterranean and internationa l cuisine,

too,” says Giuseppe. Both the Bierlia lp and

A l Monastero have a f ine selec tion of wines

hand-picked by Giuseppe himself. “Good food

and good wine belong together,” he says.

When, in 2013, Giuseppe and Rossella

eventua lly bought A l Monastero af ter hav-

ing leased it for some time and, in spring 2015,

acquired the lease for the Bierlia lp restaurant,

they didn’ t immediately feel up to tack ling

the new venture. That ’s because, with its

large sun terrace, pizza deliver y ser v ice and

enoteca, A l Monastero essentia lly gives them

enough work to be get ting

on with. “But we’re a lways

seeking out new cha l-

lenges,” they say. The couple

have a rea l presence in both

establishments; Giuseppe

believes that the owners

shou ld be the face of a restaurant. Their son

Raf faele of ten lends a helping hand, too. “I

help wherever I can, whenever they need

me,” says the 19-year-old business school

student. Raf faele says he can imagine work-

ing f u ll time in the family business at some

point in the f uture. Or, as he puts it, “My path

will probably lead me there.” Af ter a ll, he has

inherited his parents’ hospitable nature.

The entire family feels at home in

Engelberg. “The loca ls have adopted us even

though we’re not f rom around here,” says

Giuseppe. “We have so many good contac ts.

Because Engelberg is such an open place, with

so many v isitors f rom Switzerland and abroad,

we f it in ver y well with our Ita lian menta l-

ity.” That ’s not surprising, given that any-

one who comes a long and of fers such warm

hospita lity and f ine Ita lian food and drink is

a lways going to be welcomed with open arms.

“Good food and good wine

belong together.”




Die Familie Amplo (v.l.):

Sohn Raffaele mit den Eltern

Rossella und Giuseppe.

The Amplo family (left to

right): son Raffaele with par-

ents Rossella and Giuseppe.

Giuseppe Amplo ist auch

Weinhändler und bietet in

der Enoteca im Al Monaste-

ro ausgewählte Weine an.

Giuseppe Amplo is also a wine

merchant, and a hand-picked

selection of wines is served

in Al Monstero’s enoteca.

Seit vergangenem Sommer

führt die Familie Amplo

zusätzlich die Bierlialp.

The Amplo family has also

been running the Bier-

lialp since last summer.