Medford Rum Cocktail.
Prepare same as Bra ndy Cocktail, using Med–
ford :um in place of brandy .
Metropole Cocktail.
Two dashes gum-syrup, two dashes Peyschaud
bitters, one dash orange bitters, half a jigger
brandy , half a jigger Ji.,rench vermouth, a mixing–
glass half-full fine ice. Mix, strain into cocktai1-
glass, add a maraschino cherry.
Metropolitan Cocktail.
Two lumps of ice in a small wine-glass, add
three dashes gum-syrup, two dashes Angostura
bitters, one pony brandy, one pony French ver–
mouth. Mix, take out the ice, add a small piece
twisted lemon-peel.
Mountain Cocktail.
A cocktail-glass half-full hard cider, one :fresh
egg; season with pepper and salt. Serve.
Oyster Cocktail.
A few dashes lemon-juice in a tumbler, add a
dash of Tobasco sauce, a teaspoonful of v inegar,
a few dashes tomato ca tchup, six Bl_ue Point oys-