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smalto =

Colored glass or other pieces

of vitreous materials, esp. in

minute regular squares, used in

mosaic work.

spandrel =

An area, roughly triangular in

shape, included between the

extradoses of two adjoining

arches and a line approxi-

mately connecting their crowns

(or a space approximately

equal to half in case of a single

arch); often ornamented with


splayed lintel =

An horizontal lintel above

a window, each end of

which slants toward a cen-

ter line through the win-

dow; often has a keystone

at its center.

spur =

A decorative appendage of

the base of a round column

resting on a square or po-

lygonal plinth.

stepped arch =

An arch in which the voussoirs

are cut horizontally and/or ver-

tically so they fit in with the

masonry courses above and

below, forming steps.



splayed lintel


stepped arch