triglyph =
The characteristic ornament
of the Doric frieze, consist-
ing of slightly raised blocks
of three vertical bands sepa-
rated by V-shaped grooves.
Tudor architecture =
The final development of
Perpendicular style archi-
tecture during the reigns of
Henry VII and Henry VIII,
preceding the Elizabethan
architecture. It is charac-
terized by Tudor arches,
labels and label stops over windows with mul-
lions, and ornate brick chimneys.
Tudor Revival,
Tudor style =
A term descriptive of
a picturesque mode of
domestic architecture
prevalent from about
1880 to 1940 and
beyond, emulating its
Tudor architecture prototype. Homes in this
style, usually asymmetrical in plan, often were
clad in brick or stucco in combination with
wood, and commonly had false half-timbering
surface ornamentation consisting of strapwork,
steeply pitched gables, a shingled roof, elaborate
chimneys and leaded windows.
Tudor architecture
Tudor Revival