Projecting brick =
One of a number of bricks
which project beyond the
face of a wall, usually
forming a pattern.
Puddling =
Settling of grout in masonry wall by agitating the
mixture with a stick or rod; intended to remove
air voids in the grout.
Quarry - quarry-faced - quarry run -
quarry sap =
Open stone or clay
Descriptive of
the freshly split face
of ashlar, as it comes
from the quarry,
squared off only for
the joints.
Building stone as it is supplied by
the quarry, unselected for color and texture.
The natural moisture in stone as it comes from
the quarry ledge; varies in amount with the
Queen closer - queen closure =
A brick which has been
cut in half along its length;
it is of normal thickness
but half normal width;
used to complete a course
or to space normal size
Quicklime =
Caustic lime made of calcium oxide made by
heating carbon dioxide off lime stone.