Home-made Beverages.
whisky. Close the jar tightly and infuse for
a month, then filter and bottle.
White Wine Negus.
Rub8oz. loaf sugar on the rind of two lemons
fill all the zest is extracted, and put it into a
jug with the strained juice,apint of liquid calf s
foot jelly, an inch of bruised cinnamon, a blade
of mace,6cloves,a pinch of allspice, and a quart
of boiling water. Let it stand for twenty
minutes, then add a bottle of white wine,
grated nutmeg to taste and,ifliked, a little more
sugar,heat in asaucepan and serve at once.
White Wine Whey.
Boil a pint of milk, add a gill of white wine,
boil till the curd separates, then strain, sweeten
to taste, and serve.
American Lemonade.
Put a table-spoonful of castor sugar and the
strained juice of a lemon into a large tumbler
with a wineglassful of water and half fill it with
shaved ice. Add a large table-spoonful of
strawberry syrup, and fill up with soda water.
Put a slice of lemon or orange on the top, and
serve with a straw.
American Tea Punch.
Put 1 pint of hot tea into a bowl, add 2 oz.
castor sugar, the strained juice of a smalllemon,
and a gill each of good brandy and Jamaica rum.
Place in an ice-cave until cold,then serve in wine
Brain Duster.
Put half a teaspoonful of castor sugar and half
awineglassful each of absinthe and vermouthinto
a glass,add some iced seltzer water,and serve.
Brandy Cocktail.
Half fill a large tumbler with shaved ice, add
half a gill of brandy, half a gill of curafao and
ginger syrup mixed,and 2teaspoonfuls of orange